Info Properties and Sample Code

The info section of an adapter definition document typically contains the properties listed here and has the following sample structure.


The info section includes the following properties.

Property Description


Unique identifier of the adapter.


Ensure that the id value is prefixed with a namespace and is separated from the identifier with a colon. For example: "id" : "oracle:zuora", where oracle is the namespace.


Type of application that the adapter connects to. Choose from the following values:

  • Technology
  • Enterprise Messaging
  • Storage
  • Third Party
  • IaaS Services (Third Party & OCI)
  • Database
  • Block Chain


Name of the adapter. This name appears in several places on the user interface of Oracle Integration, for example, the adapter registry page, and connection creation and selection related pages. You can localize this field, and also modify the name if the third party decides on an identity or a name change.


Description of the adapter. This value appears in Oracle Integration on the Adapters page, which is within the Design page.


Version of the adapter. While specifying the version, ensure to follow the semantic version rules where the first digit represents a major version, which is backward incompatible with the last major version. The next digit represents backward compatible functional additions and the third digit presents fixes that do not change the contract of the adapter actions and triggers.

For more information on semantic versioning, see

When you update the version number, the Rapid Adapter Builder platform validates it against the existing adapter version. for more information, see Rules for the Semantic Version Check.


Version of the language that the adapter definition document uses. This field indicates to the Rapid Adapter Builder which language version to execute.


Category for the application for which you're creating an adapter. The category determines how the adapter is organized within Oracle Integration. Choose from the following values:

  • ERP
  • HCM & HRMS
  • CRM & CX
  • Industries
  • On-premises Enterprise
  • SOA Connectivity
  • Social and Productivity
  • Database
  • Supply Chain Management
  • E-Commerce
  • Enterprise Messaging
  • Technology
  • Health Care
  • IaaS Services & OCI Services


Information about the adapter. This information typically is relevant if you are part of the Oracle Partner Network and plan to distribute the adapter outside your organization.

The following properties are available:

  • name: Organization, application, or technology that the adapter provides integration capabilities for. Ensure that the name complies with the third party branding requirements. This name appears on in the adapter registry metadata. For example, Asana or SurveyMonkey.
  • description: Description of the adapter's integration capabilities.
  • contactUS: Contact information of the organization that developed the adapter.
  • supportURL: URL that users can use to request for support or report issues related to the adapter.
  • documentationURL: Web address that points to the detailed documentation of the adapter.


Information about the organization that developed the adapter (typically the organization that you work for).

The following properties are available:

  • name: Name of the organization that owns and maintains the adapter. Ensure that the name complies with third party branding requirements. This name appears in the adapter registry metadata. For example, Advanco or Auraplayer.
  • description: Description of the organization that owns the adapter. This description appears in the adapter registry metadata.
  • supportURL: URL that users can use to request for support or report issues related to the adapter.
  • documentationURL: Web address that points to the detailed documentation of the adapter.


Information about the adapter's security settings and functional capabilities.

  • supportsConnectivityAgent: Either true or false, indicating whether the adapter can access an on-premises environment by using the connectivity agent.
  • supportsRegeneration: Either true or false, indicating whether the adapter supports the regeneration of a configured endpoint. When you regenerate an endpoint, the schemas for a configured action are refreshed with new schema information for the request and response based on changes to the back-end metadata object model of the third party. See Refresh Endpoints for Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

  • _debug: Reserved for internal use.

  • allowNonSSL: Either true or false, indicating whether the adapter can make outbound requests to endpoints that are not protected by SSL.
  • disableOutboundPayloadSanitization: By default, Oracle Integration encodes the JSON data while sending a request or receiving a response to prevent injection attacks. To disable this behavior, set this property to true. For example, when this property is set to true, an integration developer can customize a connection to inject a script into an application.

    • When this property is set to false, the outbound payload that is sent to a target application, including requests and responses, is sanitized and doesn't include injected scripts.

    • When this property is set to true, the outbound payload that is sent to a target application, including requests and responses, is not sanitized and is allowed to include injected scripts.

  • allowedDomains: Array of the domains that are allowed for outbound requests. Every domain that is specified in the flows and connection sections must also be specified in this property.

    See Restrict Outbound Invocations to Specific Domains.

  • followRedirects: Reserved for future use.

Sample Code

  "info": {
    "id": "cloud:microsoft-task",
    "displayName": "Microsoft To-do Task",
    "description": "Microsoft To-do Task is a cloud-based task management service.",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "specVersion": "1.0",
    "categories": [],
    "appInfo": {
      "name": "Oracle Corporation",
      "description": "",
      "contactUS": "",
      "supportURL": "",
      "documentationURL": ""
    "publisherInfo": {
      "name": "Oracle Corporation",
      "description": "",
      "contactUS": "",
      "supportURL": "",
      "documentationURL": ""
    "settings": {