Configuration Page

Configure the trigger or invoke connection.

Trigger Connection

Element Description

Select Topic Name

Enter the name of the topic to which you want to perform an operation. A topic name is required for creating and confirming a subscription.

Select Format

Select the notification format (that is, either JSON or XML). Upon choosing XML, the Enable XML Namespace field is displayed.

Upon selecting Enable XML Namespace, the Enter XML Namespace option is displayed. You must provide the valid XML namespace. For example:

Provide JSON Sample/ Provide XML Sample

Provide the notification sample.

Enable Decoding

Select this option if the incoming notification is base64-encoded.

Configure Message Attributes

Configuring message attributes helps you provide structured metadata items (such as timestamps, geospatial data, signatures, and identifiers) about the message.

Enable Subscription Filter Policy

A subscription filter policy allows you to apply filters based on values provided. The constituent fields are:
  • Upon selecting JSON as the format, you get Message Attributes and Message Body as the options for Select Filter Policy Scope.
  • Upon selecting XML as the format, you get Message Attribute as the only option for Select Filter Policy Scope.
  • Provide the JSON body for Subscription Filter Policy.
Enable Redrive Policy

If there is a failure in the notification being sent to the subscriber, the notification gets stored in the Dead Letter Queue. There is a constituent field named Provide Dead Letter Queue (provide the SQS queue ARN).

Configure Delivery Policy
Configure the policy that defines how Amazon SNS retries failed deliveries to HTTP/S endpoints. The following are constituent fields:
  • Number of Retries
  • Retries without Delay
  • Minimum Delay
  • Maximum Delay
  • Minimum Delay Retries
  • Maximum Delay Retries
  • Maximum Receive Rate
  • Retry Back off Function

Invoke Connection

Element Description

Select Topic Name

Enter the name of the topic to which you want to perform an operation. A topic name is required for creating and confirming a subscription.

Select Format

Select the notification format (that is, either JSON or XML). Upon selecting XML, the Enable XML Namespace field is displayed.

Upon selecting Enable XML Namespace, the Enter XML Namespace option is displayed. You must provide the valid XML namespace.

For example:

Provide JSON Sample/ Provide XML Sample

Provide the notification sample.

Enable Encoding

Select this option for base64-encoding the message to publish.

Configure Message Attributes

Configuring message attributes helps you provide structured metadata items (such as timestamps, geospatial data, signatures, and identifiers) about the message.