Use the Azure Service Bus Adapter to Publish/Consume Messages in an Integration

The Azure Service Bus Adapter supports publishing messages to an Azure Service Bus queue or topic and consuming messages from an Azure Service Bus queue or topic.

This use case describes how the Azure Service Bus Adapter publishes account details (fetched from Salesforce) into Azure Service Bus. Subsequently, the Azure Service Bus Adapter consumes the account details within Azure Service Bus and creates customers in Shopify using the Shopify Adapter. This implementation pattern provides an overview of the steps.

You must create two integrations in Oracle Integration:

Configure a Salesforce Trigger Endpoint to Fetch Account Details from Salesforce and Configure the Azure Service Bus Invoke Endpoint to Publish the Accounts Details into Azure Service Bus

  1. Create the Salesforce Adapter and Azure Service Bus Adapter connections.
  2. Create an application integration. This is the first of two integrations you create.
  3. Drag a Salesforce Adapter into the integration as a trigger connection.
  4. Configure the Salesforce Adapter as follows.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name.
    2. On the Operations page, select Streaming API.
    3. Select Subscribe to platform events published on
    4. Select a platform event (for this example, Account_Created).
    5. On the Summary page, review your selections.
  5. Drag an Azure Service Bus Adapter into the integration canvas.
  6. Configure the Azure Service Bus Adapter endpoint:
    1. On the Basic info page, provide an endpoint name.
    2. On the Operations page, select the resource as Queue or Topic and select the Publish operation.
    3. Select the name of the queue/topic from the drop-down list.
    4. Select Yes in the Do you want to specify the message structure field.
    5. Select Yes if you want to specify the headers for the message.
    6. On the Message Structure page, select the required message format and click Drag and Drop to select the required sample payload file.
    7. On the Summary page, review your selections.
  7. In the mapper, map the account details from Salesforce to the equivalent fields in Azure Service Bus.
  8. Click Validate. The completed integration looks as follows.

    The integration shows a trigger, map, and invoke.

  9. When complete, save and activate the integration. As a result, the account details from Salesforce are fetched and published to Azure Service Bus.

Configure an Azure Service Bus Trigger Endpoint to Consume Account Details Within Azure Service Bus and Configure a Shopify Invoke Endpoint to Create Customers in Shopify

  1. Create the Azure Service Bus Adapter and Shopify Adapter connections.
  2. Create an application integration. This is the second of two integrations that you create.
  3. Drag an Azure Service Bus Adapter into the integration as a trigger connection.
  4. Configure the Azure Service Bus Adapter as follows.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name.
    2. On the Operations page, select the resource as Queue or Topic.
    3. Select the name of the queue/topic from the drop-down list.
    4. Specify the frequency at which to fetch records (for example, 60 seconds) in the Specify the value of the frequency (in seconds) at which records will be fetched field.
    5. Specify the value for the maximum number of records to be fetched (for example, 5) in the Specify the value for the maximum number of records to be fetched field.
    6. Select Yes if you want to specify the headers for the message.
    7. On the Message Structure page, select the required message format and click Drag and Drop to select the required sample payload file.
    8. On the Summary page, review your selections.
  5. Drag a Shopify Adapter into the integration canvas.
  6. Configure the Shopify Adapter endpoint:
    1. On the Basic info page, provide an endpoint name.
    2. Select the Create action.
    3. Select the module from the drop-down list.
    4. Select a module. For this example, Customers is selected.
    5. Select the Customer object.
    6. On the Summary page, review your selections.
  7. In the mapper, map the account details from Azure Service Bus to the equivalent fields in Shopify.
  8. Click Validate.

    The completed integration looks as follows.

    The integration shows a trigger, map, and invoke.

  9. When complete, save and activate the integration. As a result, Azure Service Bus consumes the account details and customers are created in Shopify.