1 About This Recipe

Use this recipe to export items along with variants from Oracle ERP Cloud to Shopify.


This recipe is available as Oracle ERP Cloud — Shopify | Export Items with Variants in the Integration Store. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance, and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This is an application-driven recipe that creates products in Shopify whenever items are published in Oracle ERP Cloud (Product Hub).

To use the recipe, you must install the recipe and configure the connections and other resources within the recipe. When items in Oracle ERP Cloud are published for Shopify (spoke system), the recipe is triggered, and it creates corresponding products in bulk in Shopify.

This recipe exports item variants along with items from Oracle ERP Cloud to Shopify. If any records fail, they are stored in a folder in FTP.

Recipe Schema

This section provides an architectural overview of the recipe.

Description of export-item-variants.png follows
Description of the illustration export-item-variants.png

This recipe has the following integration flows:
  • Oracle PDH Shopify ItemVariantsToProduct Sync: This integration flow is triggered when items in Oracle ERP Cloud are published for Shopify.

    The items are then uploaded to a specific location in Oracle Content Management. When triggered, this integration performs the following in Oracle Integration:

    • Validates if the published items are for Shopify.
    • Verifies the Items file.
    • Downloads the Items file from Oracle Content Management.
    • Converts the Items file to JSONL format.
    • Uplods the JSONL file to Shopify

The bulkOperationRunMutation batch process is triggered (from Oracle Integration) and imports data into Shopify. If the batch process throws an exception, a JSONL file with error data is saved in the newFile.txt file in the following path in FTP: /ShopifyERPError_jsonl/newFile.txt.

  • Oracle Shopify Bulk Import Callback: This integration flow is triggered when items are successfully created in Shopify.

    When triggered, this integration flow sends a notification email to the configured email IDs.

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration, Version or higher

  • Oracle ERP Cloud

  • An account on Oracle ERP Cloud with the Administrator role

  • Shopify

  • An account on Shopify with the Administrator role

  • A secure FTP (sFTP) server
  • An FTP client to access the sFTP server


  • The Oracle ERP Cloud instance has items to be published for Shopify. See Define Items and Item Structures.
  • The Oracle ERP Cloud instance has Spoke system for Shopify. See Product Spoke Systems. Ensure that the name of the Spoke system contains Shopify (case-sensitive).