2 Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Oracle ERP Cloud and Shopify instances in order to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and export items in bulk.

Configure Oracle ERP Cloud

To access the Oracle ERP Cloud instance from Oracle Integration, you’ll require a separate user account on Oracle ERP Cloud.

Log in to your Oracle ERP Cloud instance as an Administrator and perform the following tasks.

  1. Create a user account for Oracle Integration. Make a note of the user name and password you set for the account. You’ll use the credentials of this user account to connect to Oracle ERP Cloud from Oracle Integration.
  2. Assign the following roles to the user account. For more information on these roles, see Assign Required Roles to an Integration User.
    • Integration Specialist
    • Oracle ERP Cloud-specific data access to the integration user

Configure Shopify

To access the Shopify instance from Oracle Integration, you must perform certain configurations on your Shopify instance. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

Also, register the Oracle Shopify Bulk Import Callback integration flow for Shopify webhook calls.

  1. Send a POST request to the following REST endpoint: https://shopify_Store_hostname>/admin/api/2022-04/graphql.json. Specify the payload mentioned on the cURL tab in Create an HTTP Webhook in Shopify.
  2. In the payload, update the following fields with the necessary data.
    Field Information to Enter
    Request Headers (-H) Enter 'X-Shopify-Access-Token=<shopifyShared Secret>'.
    callbackurl Enter https://<username:passwrod>@<OIC_hostname>/ic/api/integration/v2/flows/rest/project/ORCL-R-PDH_SHOPIFY_ITEMVAR_SYNC/ORCL-R-SHOPIFY_BULK_IMPORT_CALBK/1.0/onbulkimportfinish.
  3. Validate the registered webhook. Send a GET request to the following REST endpoint:
    Request Headers- X-Shopify-Access-Token=<shopifyShared Secret>

Access Your FTP Server

Obtain an FTP server and ensure that you can access it.

  1. Login to the server using your username and password through an FTP client; for example, FileZilla
  2. Create a directory with the name ShopifyERPError_jsonl on the server to store the error response.
    Note down the path of the directory.