3 Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe to deploy and configure the integration and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration Home page, in the Use a recipe/accelerator section, click View all.
  2. Find the recipe you want to install, then click Get.

    A message confirms that the recipe was successfully installed, and the recipe card shows In use.

  3. Click Configure Configure icon on the recipe to configure its resources.

    The project workspace opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Workday Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Host Name Enter the Workday host name. For example: https:// wd2-impl-services1.workday.com.
    Tenant Name Enter the tenant name of the account created for Oracle Integration on Workday. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Workday Username Token Policy.
    Workday Integration User Enter the username of the account created for Oracle Integration on Workday. See Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.
    Password Enter the password of the account created for Oracle Integration on Workday.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Azure AD Connection

  1. In the Connections section, click the connection name.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the tenant ID in the Tenant ID field.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Client Credentials.
    Client ID Enter the client ID. See Configure Azure AD.
    Client Secret Enter the client password.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.

    A message confirms if your test is successful.

  6. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Lookup Tables

The recipe contains the following lookup tables. Edit them as necessary.

  • ORACLE-BRT_LOOP_LOOKUP: Use this lookup to configure the loop count.

    Property Description Value
    MaxLoopCount Specify the value less than or equal 10 For example: 10
  • ORACLE-BRT_AZURE_AD_LOOKUP: Use this lookup to configure user account enabling, the domain associated with the user principal name (UPN) used for identification, and password.

    Property Description Value
    AccountEnabled Specify the value as either True or False. true
    UserPrincipalNameDomain Stores the User Principal name domain. @abc.xyz.com
    PasswordSignIN Specify the value as either True or False. true
  • ORACLE-BRT_WORKDAY_LOOKUP: Use this lookup to configure Integration System Reference ID and Type.

    Property Description Value
    IntegrationSystemID Specify the Integration System Reference ID. INT_SOA_Test_11_CSV
    IntegrationSystemType Specify the Integration System Reference Type. Integration_System_ID
  1. In the Lookups section, click the lookup name.
  2. In the Value column, enter or map the appropriate values for the properties.
  3. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  4. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.