2 Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Workday and Azure AD instances to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and export employee records.

Configure Workday

To access Workday using Oracle Integration and export employee records, you must perform certain configuration tasks on your Workday instance.

For general configuration tasks, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

In addition, you must create an Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) report to export Workday data in bulk. And, before you create an EIB report, you must create a custom report with custom fields, calculated fields, and business objects.

  1. Create calculated fields.
    1. In the quick find box, search for Create Calculated Fields task.
    2. In the pop-up window, enter the Field name. For example: CF_Most Recent Hire Event - Date and Time Completed. Also, select the Business Object as Worker, and Function as Lookup Related Value.
    3. Click OK. You are redirected to Create Calculated Field - Lookup Related Value page.
    4. In the Condition column, create the following calculated fields:
      Calculated Field Details
      CF_Most Recent Hire Event - Date and Time Completed

      Business Object: Worker

      Lookup Field: CF_Most Recent Hire Event (CW or EE)

      Related Business Object: Staffing Event

      Return Value: Date and Time Completed

      Function: Lookup Related Value

      CF_Most Recent Hire Event (CW or EE)

      Business Object: Worker

      Source Field: Staffing History - Approved

      Related Business Object: Staffing Event

      Condition: Is Hire Transaction

      Sort Field: Effective Date

      Sort Direction: Descending (Z to A)

      Instance to be Returned: First occurrence

      Function: Lookup Related Value

      Configuration details for other related calculated fields are listed below.

      Calculated Field Details
      CF_Hire Event

      Business Object: Action Event

      Lookup Field: Worker

      Related Business Object: Worker

      Return Value: CF_Most Recent Hire Event (CW or EE)

      Function: Lookup Related Value

      CF_Hire Event

      Business Object: Worker

      Lookup Field: Worker

      Related Business Object: Worker

      Return Value: CF_Most Recent Hire Event (CW or EE)

      Function: Lookup Related Value

  2. Create a custom report.
    1. Log in to the Workday instance.
    2. In the quick find box, search for Create custom report.
    3. In the Create Custom Report window:
      1. Enter the Report Name. For example: RPT_INT_SOA_Test_11.
      2. Select the Report Type as Advanced.
      3. Select the Enable As Web Service check box.
      4. Deselect the Optimized for Performance check box.
      5. Select the Data Source as All Workers.
      6. Click OK. You are redirected to Edit Custom Report page.
      7. Under the Columns tab, add the Fields and Custom Fields required for the Workday employee details along with the calculated fields with the relevant Business Object.

        Business Object Field Column Heading Override Column Heading Override XML Alias
        Worker First Name First Name First_Name
        Worker Last Name   lastName
        Worker Email - Work Emails Email_-_Work
        Worker Employee ID   Employee_ID
        Worker Worker Status   Worker_Status
        Worker Date of Birth   dateOfBirth
        Worker Supervisory Organization   Department
        Worker Work Address - City Primary Address - City Primary_Address
        Worker Work Address - Country Primary Address - Country Name Phone_Work
        Worker Work Address - Formatted Line 1 Primary Address - Formatted Line 1 Company_-_Name
        Worker Work Address - Formatted Line 2 Primary Address - Formatted Line 2 Primary_Address_-_Formatted_Line_2
        Worker Phone - Primary Work Phone - Primary Work primaryWorkPhone
        Worker Business Title   Business_Title
    4. Click OK.
    5. After creating custom reports, you can specify how the report results should be sorted.
    6. Under the Sort tab, add the Fields and Sort Direction required for the Workday employee details along with the calculated fields with the relevant Business Object.
      Field Sort Direction
      CF_Most Recent Hire Event - Date and Time Completed Alphabetical - Ascending
    7. Under the Filter tab, add the Fields and Custom Fields required for the Workday employee details along with the calculated fields with the relevant Business Object.
      And/Or ( Field Operator Comparison Type Comparison Value ) Indexed
      And   Last Name is not blank        
      And   Email - Work is not empty        
      And   Hire Date greater than or equal to Prompt the user for the value Starting Prompt    
      And   Hire Date less than or equal to Prompt the user for the value Ending Prompt    
    8. In the Prompts section, select the Populate Undefined Prompt Defaults check box.


      The data source All Workers uses built-in prompts such as Start Date, End Date, and so on. Based on the report you have chosen, Workday prompts you to fill in specific reporting criteria.
  3. Create an EIB report.
    1. Log in to the Workday instance.
    2. In the quick find box, search for Create EIB task.
    3. Enter the Name of the EIB task (RPT_INT_SOA_Test_11).
    4. In the Create EIB pop-up, choose Outbound and click OK.
    5. In the General Settings, enter comments and then click Next.
    6. Under the Get Data tab, select the Data Source Type as Custom Report.
    7. Select the Custom Report as RPT_INT_SOA_Test_11 and then click Next.
    8. Under the Transform tab, select the Transformation Type as New Custom Report Transformation, then click Next.
    9. Under the Deliver tab, perform the following steps.
      1. Select the Delivery Method as Workday Attachment.
      2. Enter the File Name with the relevant file extension. For example, output.csv.
      3. Specify the Document Retention Policy (in Days) as should be less than 180, and then click Next.
      4. In the Details section, select the MIME Type as CSV.
      5. Click Next.
    10. Under the Review and Submit tab, verify the details, then click OK.
    11. Once you create the EIB report, the View Integration System window appears. In the top-left corner, click the ellipsis next to the EIB task name, choose Enterprise Interface, and then select Configure Transformation.
    12. In the Configure Transformation window, update the report transformation details, click OK, and then click Done.
    13. In the View Integration System window, in the top-left corner, click the ellipsis next to the EIB task name, choose Integration, and then select Launch/Schedule.
    14. In the Launch/Schedule Integration pop-up, select the Run Frequency as Run Now, and then click OK.
    15. In the Schedule an Integration window, specify the Start Date and Hire Date, and then click OK.
    The EIB report gets generated.

Configure Azure AD

To configure Azure AD, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.