Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the GitHub Adapter:

Register a GitHub Application

You have the option to register a GitHub application either under your personal account or an organization for which you have been granted permission to manage all owned applications. See Registering a GitHub App.
  • During the registration process, enter the callback URL of your application in the following format:
  • Under Permissions, choose the permissions that your application needs. You need to grant Repository Permissions, Organization Permissions, and Account Permissions.

    For each permission, select the drop-down menu and click Read-only, Read & write, or No access.

  • Click Generate a New Client Secret.


    Copy the client ID and client secret. You'll need to enter those values on the Connections page when you configure security for your GitHub Adapter connection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.

Authorize a GitHub Application

When you authorize a GitHub application, you are providing the application with access to your GitHub account in accordance with the permissions it requested during the authorization process.

  1. Click your organization name.
  2. Click Install.
  3. Select either All repositories or Only select repositories.
  4. Click Authorize & Request.

Create an OAuth Application

Create and register an OAuth application under your personal account or under any organization. See Create an OAuth app.
  • During the registration process, enter the callback URL of your application in the following format:
  • During the registration process, provide the Webhook URL, specifying the destination where you want to receive notifications.


  • OAuth applications can have multiple Webhook URLs.
  • Copy the client ID and client secret. You'll need to enter those values on the Connections page when you configure security for your GitHub Adapter connection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.