Fetch Business Events from OPERA Cloud

To fetch business events from OPERA Cloud using the Oracle Hospitality Adapter, you have two options:

Use the Connectivity Agent to Poll for Business Events from OHIP (Trigger Role)

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Agents.
  2. Create an agent group.
  3. Configure a connection for the Oracle Hospitality Adapter and select the agent group.
  4. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  5. Create an application integration.
  6. Drag the Oracle Hospitality Adapter to the trigger position.
  7. Configure the Oracle Hospitality Adapter accordingly.
    1. On the Basic Info page, specify a name and optional description.
    2. On the Business Events page, specify the hotel ID, external system ID, polling interval (in seconds), polling option, and event limits.


    OPERA Cloud business event consumption (trigger connection) is only supported with the connectivity agent. The connectivity agent is required because it polls for events from the OHIP platform at the configured interval. Event payload processing is delegated to the Oracle Hospitality Adapter in the integration flow after polling.

Created a Schedule Integration to Poll for Business Events from OHIP (Invoke Connection)

  1. Configure a connection for the Oracle Hospitality Adapter (no agent group is required).
  2. Create a schedule integration.
  3. Drag the Oracle Hospitality Adapter to the first location. This adds the Oracle Hospitality Adapter as an invoke connection that receives business events.
  4. Configure the Oracle Hospitality Adapter accordingly.
    1. Select the property category, the Integration Processor module, and the getBusinessEvents operation or the getBusinessEventsByExternalSystem operation if you want to fetch by Hotel ID or by External System ID (multiple Hotel IDs). Check your OHIP Customer Portal for details on these APIs.
    2. Configure both the request and response map actions according to your needs. Hotel ID and External System ID are mandatory fields for the request. Without them, the API call fails at runtime. The Event Limit field is optional, but it is applied the default value by OHIP if not mapped. The response payload schema of the business events is available on the response map to be used to get/transform the required information.
  5. Configure OPERA Cloud accordingly.
    1. Configure the business events of interest in OPERA Cloud so the Oracle Hospitality Adapter can receive them.
    2. Check the OHIP/OPERA Cloud documentation. See Polling API (pull) in the User Guide.