Use Case Overview

This use case provides a design-time and runtime overview of two integrations that perform the following tasks.

The integrations are referred to as handlers and processors. The handler integration handles all incoming HL7 messages for a given TCP/IP connection. The processor integration processes each specific type of HL7 message.

  • handleHL7_MLLP_6200_INBOUND: A parent integration that receives inbound HL7 messages from an EMR application. In this example, the EMR sends ADT_A08 (update patient information) messages.
  • processADT_A08: A child integration called by handleHL7_MLLP_6200_INBOUND to process the inbound HL7 message and synchronize a FHIR patient repository and pathology system with the same patient updates.

Both integrations are shown as successfully completed on the Instances page under the Observe tab in the project.

The Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs appear at the top. Below this are the Integrations, Instances (selected), Subscriptions, Future runs, and Audit tabs. The Instances tab shows a search icon, filter icon, and time stamp at the top. Below this are the selected filter fields. Below this is a table with columns for Primary identifier, Instance ID, Business identifiers, Status, and Duration.