Overview of the Design-Time Messages

This section provides a design-time overview of the HL7 messages used in this use case. This use case is created inside a project.

  1. The Healthcare Healthcare icontab for the project shows the available messages. A message is based on an associated HL7 schema. The workflow is as follows:
    • You create the schema and select the HL7 version, message version, and message type to use.
    • You create the message based on the schema.
    • The message that you create is the HL7 message definition for the message that your integration processes at runtime.
    • You select the messages to use when configuring the healthcare action during integration design.

    The Healthcare is selected. HL7 messages and Schemas are shown in separate sections. Both sections include the name, identifier, and Actions menu. A plus (+) sign appears in each section for adding new messages and schemas.

    As an example, the contents of the A08 Patient Update 2_5 message are as follows:
    • HL7 version 2
    • Message version 2.5
    • Message type ADT_A08 (Update patient information)

    The A08 Update Patient 2_5 message is shown. At the top are the View Only label, Identifier field, and Updated on field. Below this are the message selection, Name, Description, message standard, message version, and message type fields. Below this is the message schema drop-down list and View button.