Overview of the Integration Receiving the Inbound HL7 Message During Runtime

This section provides a runtime overview of key component responsibilities in the handleHL7_MLLP_6200_INBOUND parent integration that receives the initial HL7 inbound message from the EMR application. The EMR application was updated with patient details that must also be automatically updated in a FHIR patient repository and pathology system.

Receive and Convert the Inbound HL7 Message

  1. The MLLP Adapter trigger connection (MLLPAdapter) listens for messages from an EMR application that uses HL7. For this use case, the MLLP Adapter receives an HL7 Update Patient Information message (ADT_A08) from the EMR application and starts the integration.

    The MLLP Adapter trigger connection and logger action are shown

  2. The logger action (logDebugMsg) logs the message to the debugger. A review of the logger action in the activity stream shows the HL7-formatted message received from the EMR application.

    The logger action and map action are shown. To the right is the activity stream, which shows the raw HL7 message.

    The message is then passed to the map and healthcare (translateHL7) actions. The message is known as a healthcare message reference.

    The logger action, map action, and healthcare action are shown.

  3. A view of the healthcare action configuration shows that the Match and translate inbound message operation is selected. This operation converts the inbound HL7-formatted messages selected in the Choose documents field to Oracle Integration XML-formatted payload messages. The two messages selected for conversion were created during design-time. See Overview of the Design-Time Messages.

    Each message is based on an HL7 message schema that you want to process. For this example, two different HL7 versions (2.3.1 and 2.5) of the ADT_A08 message are selected. Any inbound messages that are received, but not selected in the Choose documents field, are ignored and not processed.

    The Configure healthcare action call page is shown. The Name, Description, and Operation fields are shown. The Choose documents section shows two fields: Available and Selected.

    See Create Oracle Integration for Healthcare Schemas and Documents.

Invoke Child Integration

The healthcare action, map action, and integration action are shown.

  1. The map action (callProcessor) shows the source healthcare-message-reference element of the translateHL7 healthcare action. This element contains the contents of the healthcare action message in XML, but in an opaque message reference format. This output is mapped as a binary object into the integration action that invokes the processADT_MLLP_A08 child integration.

    The mapper shows three icons in the upper left. In the upper right are a Developer icon, XSLT icon, and six icons. Below this are the Sources section, Mapping canvas section, and Target section. The Sources and Target sections both include a Search icon. Sources elements are mapped to Target elements.

    The target Connectivity Properties section shows the integration name, integration version, and project code being called. This information is obtained from a lookup function. For example, for Integration Code, if the message definition value is A08 Update Patient 2_5, it is routed to the processADT_A08 child integration. The use of lookup functions offers a way to enable specific child integrations to process specific HL7 messages.

  2. The integration action (callProcessor) invokes the processADT_A08 child integration to process the ADT_A08 message.


    As a best practice, build a parent routing integration that can invoke a different child integration to process a different HL7 inbound message type (one child integration per message). Do not build a single integration with routing logic (for example, a switch or for-each action) to process each message.

    The healthcare action, map action, and integration action are shown.

  3. A view of the integration action configuration shows the processADT_A08 child integration is selected to be invoked.

    The Select Integration - Integration Adapter call page is shown. Below the selected integration is the Identifier field.