Define Ad-Hoc Maps

You can add ad-hoc maps to an integration, when needed. You can also delete the maps that are automatically created when you add a trigger or invoke to the integration, if they are not needed.

  1. Delete any unneeded mappers by clicking Actions Actions icon, then selecting Delete.

    The actions menu for the mapper shows options for Edit, Import, Delete, and Cut.

  2. Add a map action to an integration in either of the following ways:
    • On the side of the canvas, click Actions Integration actions icon and drag the Map action to the appropriate location.
    • Click Add icon at the location where you want to add the map action, then select Map.

    The Add Map dialog is displayed.

    The Add Map dialog, which lists the endpoints to map to and a Cancel button at the bottom.

  3. Select the endpoint to which to map.

    The mapper is displayed.

  4. Map appropriate elements from the source data structure to the target data structure.

  5. When complete, click Apply when prompted to save your changes.