Requirements for the Connectivity Agent

If your organization requires one or more connectivity agents, make sure that the connectivity agent is compatible with your organization's operating procedures.

The connectivity agent has the following requirements:

  • Your organization must allow outbound calls from your intranet. If your organization has a sensitive network, any outbound communication to outside the firewall might be restricted.

    The connectivity agent must establish an outbound call from your intranet to Oracle Integration. Every interaction that the connectivity agent has with Oracle Integration follows a prescribed paradigm in which the connectivity agent pulls information from your Oracle Integration instance.

  • You must make sure that your organization allows the connectivity agent to use OAuth 2.0 token-based authentication when invoking Oracle Integration endpoints.

    See Create an Agent Group.

  • You must make sure that the on-premises host, often a virtual machine, meets the system requirements.

    See System Requirements.

  • You must make sure that the functionality of the connectivity agent is compatible with your organization's procedures and requirements.

    See About the Connectivity Agent.

  • The person who installs the connectivity agent must have the required permissions and roles.

    See Agent Download and Installation.