Start and Pause an Integration Schedule

After you define a schedule, you must activate it. You can also pause (deactivate) a schedule, when needed. You can also submit schedules to run immediately.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Hover over the row of the integration on which the scheduled run is defined.
  3. Click Actions Actions icon, then select Schedule.

    The Schedule and future runs page is displayed.

  4. Click Start Start schedule icon
  5. If you are a user with the ServiceAdministrator role, you can change the user with which to submit the schedule.
  6. Click Confirm to start the schedule.

    If you have defined scheduled parameters on this integration, the Schedule parameters page is displayed.

  7. Make any necessary parameter value updates in the New value field, and click Start Schedule.

    The Start Start schedule icon button is changed to Stop Stop schedule icon.


    If you want to pause the schedule run, click Pause Pause schedule icon in the upper right corner, then click Confirm when prompted.
  8. Click Refresh Refresh icon to refresh the status of the schedule integration.

    The Schedule and Future Runs page shows the integration name and version. At the far right are icons for pause, start, and actions. Below is a filter icon and a time stamp. Below this the number of future instances is displayed. Below this is a table with columns for Type and Scheduled Time.

    The Pause and Stop buttons are replaced with Retry and Refresh buttons if the schedule operation doesn’t complete immediately after submission. In these cases, the status is displayed as Stopping, Starting, Pausing, or Resuming. The Retry option can be used to recover from these states. There must be a gap of 10 minutes between two retry attempts.

    For example:

    The schedule status is displayed as Pausing. On the right the buttons are named Retry and Refresh.


    The schedule status is displayed as Stopping. On the right the buttons are named Retry and Refresh.

  9. Click Schedule menu Schedule menu icon, then select Track instances.

    The Instances page shows details about the run of the scheduled instance.

    The Instances page shows the search and filter icons at the top. To the far right is the time stamp. Below is a table with columns for Primary identifier, Instance ID, Status, Business Identifiers, and Duration.

    The following status values are displayed during the course of the schedule integration life cycle:
    • Queued (Typically the state of an instance when it is scheduled to process sometime in the future.)
    • Succeeded
    • Errored
    • Aborted
    • In progress
    • Queued
    • Paused (The schedule has been paused, meaning the instance is also paused. Unpausing the schedule moves the instance back to the waiting state.)
    • Blocked
    • Resubmitted
  10. If necessary, schedule integration instances in the queued or paused state can be canceled by selecting Abort.

    The business identifier, instance ID, status, submitter details, and View Details, Abort, and Actions icons are shown.

    The activity stream provides details about the cancellation.

    The activity stream shows details about the milestones of the instance flow. For this example, the last entry indicates that the instance was aborted. Reasons are provided. The view details icon appears next to milestones for which the message payload can be viewed. The download payload link appears at the upper right.

    This action moves the schedule integration instance to the aborted state. If this is a regularly schedule integration (for example, it is scheduled daily at the same time), another instance gets created immediately for the next day's schedule and moved to the queued state.

    If the schedule integration run is successful, the status value is updated to Succeeded.

  11. Click View View details icon to view schedule milestones such as the following in the activity stream.
    • Scheduled run is triggered: Indicates the time at which the request to trigger the schedule integration was submitted.
    • Scheduled run started processing: Indicates the time at which the submitted request started processing.
    • Schedule paused: Indicates the time at which a schedule was paused.
    • Schedule resumed: Indicates the time at which the schedule was resumed (from a paused state).
    • Processing completed successfully: Indicates the time at which schedule processing completed successfully.