Change the User Submitting an Integration Schedule

You can designate a specific user to control the schedule of an integration in the absence of the actual submitter. This enables integrations to be scheduled using a service account that does not go away if a user leaves the company or moves to another department. Only a user with the ServiceAdministrator role can change the submitter of a schedule.

  1. Go to the Schedule and future runs page. See Define the Integration Schedule.
  2. Click Actions Schedule menu icon, then Update submitter to update the user that can submit the schedule.
    The Update submitter dialog is displayed.
  3. Change the submitter of the schedule in the drop-down list.

    This update is per a specific integration schedule, and not globally for all integration schedules that can be submitted by this user. You can globally change the submitter of integration schedules under Settings > Schedule. See Globally Change the Submitter of Integration Schedules.

    Details about the user who submitted the schedule for the integration are visible in the design-time audit logs on the Dashboard page. For example:

    User icsadmin triggered integration integration_name as user icsdeveloper

    Child (co-located) integrations invoked from a parent schedule integration inherit the same user that submitted the schedule. See Invoke a Child Integration from a Parent Integration.