Upgrade the Connectivity Agent Automatically

When a new version of the on-premises connectivity agent becomes available, your host is automatically upgraded with the latest version. When Oracle Integration is upgraded, the agent is upgraded within a four-hour window. There is no separate alert for agent upgrade. There is no downtime or interruption of service for in-process integrations that use the agent. If there is any failure for in-process integrations using the agent, those integrations may require resubmission.

Connectivity Agent Upgrade Process

Connectivity agent upgrade occurs as follows:

  1. A check is made of the version of the agent installed on your on-premises host.
  2. If the agent version on your host is older than the latest available version, the new version is downloaded to your host.
  3. The downloaded ZIP file is extracted.
  4. A backup directory is created.
  5. A backup copy is made of your existing installation in the new backup directory.
  6. Older artifacts are replaced in the agenthome directory of your installation.
  7. The endpoints are quiesced.
  8. The agent is shut down and restarted.

    You are notified of upgrade success.


After agent upgrade occurs, the agent fails to initialize the SAP JCO libraries because these are native libraries and can only be loaded once per JVM. In the case of automatic agent upgrade, the agent restart reloads the classes (after agent upgrade) without shutting down the JVM. As a workaround, a manual restart of the agent is required. See Restart the Connectivity Agent.

View Connectivity Agent Restart Progress on Windows

The connectivity agent is automatically restarted after upgrade completes. During the restart on Windows, the connectivity agent runs in the background.

To view connectivity agent restart progress, you can look in the PID file (oic_connectivity_agent/pid) for the process ID, run the jps command from the prompt (as shown below), or view the connectivity agent upgrade logs located in agenthome/logs/agent-diagnostic0.log and agenthome/logs/agent-upgrade.log.

The Windows terminal window shows the PID for the agent and the jps command.