2 Before You Install the Recipe

Perform the following configuration tasks to successfully install and run the recipe.

Configure Oracle MICROS Reporting and Analytics

  1. Configure a Business Intelligence API account in Reporting and Analytics to be used in the Oracle Integration connections, as described in Business Intelligence API in the Reporting and Analytics User Guide.
  2. Configure the Reporting and Analytics OAuth server to send a callback response to the Oracle Integration Cloud instance where this recipe is being installed.

    • This requires the Oracle consultant to open an internal ticket and request configuring multiple redirect URLs.
    • The following information needs to be provided:
      1. Customer Environment Name
      2. Enterprise Name and Enterprise Short Name
      3. Client_ID of the BI API Account
      4. Custom redirect URL to be configured. For example: https://oic-dev-abcdefghi1234.integration.us-phoenix-1.ocp.oraclecloud.com/icsapis/agent/oauth/callback
  3. Collect the following information from Reporting and Analytics to configure the Oracle Integration connections. For details, see Send Requests in the Business Intelligence API Guide.

    • Account name
    • Password
    • Enterprise short name (orgIdentifier)
    • client_id
    • rest_server URLs for the Authentication APIs and the Business Intelligence data APIs
    Besides the above, generate a code verifier and code challenge.
    • The code_challenge is a Base64-encoded SHA-256 hash of the code_verifier. The code_verifier is a cryptographically random string.
    • Both code_verifier and the code_challenge are generated by the client (in this case by the OIC recipe).
    • The code_challenge and code_verifier are used to perform a challenge-response validation in OAuth PKCE Flow.
    • code_challenge_method is fixed S256

    For more information, see Authenticate in the Business Intelligence API Guide.

Configure ATP

To access ATP from Oracle Integration, perform the following configuration tasks on your ATP database:
  1. Obtain the Cloud Wallet and the Credentials of the ATP instance to be used in the Oracle Integration connections
  2. Create the following tables, which are required for collecting dimension and sales data. The DDL statements to create these tables are provided in Support note Supplemental Code for Oracle MICROS – ATP – Accounting Hub Oracle Integration Cloud Recipes: