Map Downloaded File Attachments

You can download a file as an attachment from Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) to Oracle Integration. Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) Adapter exposes the file reference in the mapper for use by other adapters for further processing.

This section provides an overview of the steps to perform in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard and the mapper.
  1. Add an Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) Adapter invoke connection to an integration.
  2. On the Operations page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, select File Attachment to download a file as an attachment from Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) to Oracle Integration.
  3. Select the business object from which to download the file attachment.
  4. Complete the configuration in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.
  5. In the request mapper, map the object ID from which you want to download the attachment and the file ID of the file.
  6. In the response mapper, perform the mapping. The file download looks as follows. The attachmentReference in the response contains the VFS file reference of the file downloaded from Oracle Service Cloud (RightNow) to Oracle Integration.
    Get File Data Response is expanded to show Attachment, which is expanded to show Attachment Reference and Attachment Properties. Attachment Properties is expanded to show its contents.