Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Add a Close Browser Action

The close browser action closes the web browser that the robot is working in. You typically use the close browser action with the switch browser action.

For example, you might get data from one browser, and then switch to a different browser window to paste the values into the application or get more data.


You must use the low-code capabilities to add this action to a robot. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions.
  1. Open the robot to edit.
    1. In the navigation pane, select Projects.
    2. Select the project name.
    3. In the left toolbar, select Robot Robot.
    4. In the Robots box, select the robot to open.

      The canvas appears.

  2. Add the action to the robot.
    1. On the canvas, point to an action, and click +.
      A mouse cursor points to an action in the canvas and hovers over the plus sign button, which appears at the bottom of the rectangle that represents the action. A plus sign button also appears at the top of the rectangle, for adding an action after the current action.

      A menu of available actions appears.

    2. Select Close Browser.

      A Close Browser action appears on the canvas, and the Close Browser panel appears.

  3. In the panel, enter a Name and Description for the action.

    The Name appears on the action in the canvas and should help you and others understand the goal of the action.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Above the canvas, select Save.