Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Design an Integration That Calls a Robot

A robot runs only when an integration calls it. Therefore, you must design an integration to call each robot that you build. An integration developer can design the integration at any time during the development process of the robot.

Before you start designing an integration, make sure that the robot has been created and that its trigger has been defined, including its input and output properties. These properties represent the contract that the robot makes with the integration. You can typically create a robot and define its trigger in just a minute or two. After, an integration developer can start designing the integration that calls the robot. This flexibility allows teams to split work according to their availability, and the integration and robot developers don't block the other person's work.

A robot developer can fully build and test a robot, even if the integration doesn't exist yet.
  1. Open a project.
    1. In the navigation pane, select Projects.
    2. Select the project name.
  2. Create an integration.
    1. In the Integrations box, click Add (if no integrations have been designed) or + (if one or more integrations have been designed).

      The Add integration panel appears.

    2. Select Create.
    3. Select the type of integration to design.

      For details about each integration pattern, see Understand Integration Patterns in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

    4. Enter a name for the integration and provide additional descriptive information, if needed.
    5. Select Create.

    For detailed step-by-step instructions, see Create an Integration in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

  3. Call the robot from the integration.
    1. Add a robot action to the integration using one of the following ways:
      • On the right side of the canvas, click Actions Integration actions icon and drag the Robot flow action to the appropriate location.
      • Click Add icon at the location where you want to add the for-each action, then select Robot flow.
    2. Point to the Robot process automation action, select Actions icon, and then select Edit Edit icon.

      The Configure Basic Info panel appears.

    3. Fill in the following fields:
      • What do you want to call your endpoint?: Enter descriptive text for the robot, such as the robot's name or information about its business process.

      • What does this endpoint do?: Provide a brief description of the robot.
    4. Select Continue.
    5. From the Flow Name drop-down, select the robot that the integration calls, including the appropriate version.
    6. Select Continue.
    7. Review the summary, and select Finish.

      A Map object appears before the Robot process automation action.

  4. Pass information from the integration to the robot.
    1. Point to the Map action that is before the Robot process automation action, select Actions icon, and select Edit.

      The mapper opens.

    2. In the Sources list on the left, expand the tree until you find the data element that you need to pass to the robot.
    3. In the Target list on the right, expand the tree until you find the input that needs to receive the data.
    4. Drag the source element to the target element.

      For more help working in the mapper, see About Mapping Data Between Applications and Map Data in Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3.

    5. If you need to pass more information to the robot, map additional elements.
    6. After you finish mapping elements, test your mappings.

      See Test Your Mappings in Using the Oracle Mapper with Oracle Integration 3.

    7. Select Go back < to return to the canvas.