Pre-General Availability: 2024-09-02

Understand the Rules for Environments and Environment Pools

Environments are the computers or virtual machines (VMs) where robots run, and environment pools are collections of these computers. Understand the rules for setting up environments and associating robots with them.

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To create an environment, install the robot agent

A computer or VM becomes an environment that can be added to an environment pool when you install the robot agent on the computer or VM.

Start here and work your way through the steps until the robot agent is running on the environment: Meet the Robot Agent's Requirements.

Meet a robot's system requirements

Every environment in an environment pool should contain everything that a robot needs, such as the correct internet browser.

Robots in the same project can share an environment pool

You can associate multiple robots with one environment pool as long as all the robots are in the same project.

You can't associate robots from multiple projects with the same environment pool.

An environment can be part of only one environment pool

To reduce resource conflicts, you can add an environment to only one environment pool.