Invoke Operations Page

Select an operation for the invoke connection to perform in your integration.

Operations Page - Create, Update, Upsert, or Delete

Configure the Create, Update, Upsert, or Delete selection.

Select an operation type:


This selection creates multiple records for different business objects.

Element Description
Filter By object name Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • Recommended: Displays the most frequently used objects.
  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with __c (two underscores).
  • Standard: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.
  • All: Displays all objects.
Select Business Objects Select a single or multiple business objects to include in the operation. For example:
  • Account
  • Asset
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Prospect/Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Price Book

If the operation supports multiple objects, you can select up to ten objects for one operation. You can use the arrow buttons to move the objects to the Your Selected Business Objects list.

All or None
Specifies the transactional behavior for Salesforce application operations.
  • If selected, it maps to UnexpectedErrorFault.
  • If unselected, it returns the whole response even if it contains error elements along with success elements in the response.
Configure header properties (Optional)

Specify the duplicate rule to see if the record being created is a duplicate of an existing record.

  • Select to ignore the duplicate management rule: This selection allows you to save duplicate records. If not selected, duplicate management rules are followed.
  • Select to run the duplicate management rule: This selection allows the rule to run according to the current user's sharing rules. If not selected, the system's sharing rules are used.
  • Assignment Rule: This selection specifies the assignment rules to use while performing a Create operation on Account, Case, or Lead business objects. You can either use the Default Assignment Rule or mention a specific Assignment Rule ID.

    If Default Assignment Rule is set to True, then default (active) assignments are used. If set to False, then default (active) assignments are not used.


This selection updates multiple records for different business objects.

Element Description
Filter By Object Name Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • Recommended: Displays the most frequently used objects.
  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with __c (two underscores).
  • Standard: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.
  • All: Displays all objects.
Select Business Objects Select a single or multiple business objects to include in the operation. For example:
  • Account
  • Asset
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Prospect/Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Price Book

If the operation supports multiple objects, you can select up to ten objects for one operation. You can use the arrow buttons to move the objects to the Your Selected Business Objects list.

All or None
Specifies the transactional behavior for Salesforce application operations.
  • If selected, it maps to UnexpectedErrorFault.
  • If unselected, it returns the whole response even if it contains error elements along with success elements in the response.
Configure header properties (Optional)

Specify the duplicate rule to see if the record being updated is a duplicate of an existing record.

  • Select to ignore the duplicate management rule: This selection allows you to save duplicate records. If not selected, duplicate management rules are followed.
  • Select to run the duplicate management rule: This selection allows the rule to run according to the current user's sharing rules. If not selected, the system's sharing rules are used.
  • Assignment Rule: This selection specifies the assignment rules to use while performing an Update operation on Account, Case, or Lead business objects. You can either use the Default Assignment Rule or mention a specific Assignment Rule ID.

    If Default Assignment Rule is set to True, then default (active) assignments are used. If set to False, then default (active) assignments are not used.


This selection creates or updates multiple records using an external ID field for the same business object.

Element Description
Filter By Object Name Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • Recommended: Displays the most frequently used objects.
  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with __c (two underscores).
  • Standard: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.
  • All: Displays all objects.
Select Business Objects Select a business object to include in the operation. For example:
  • Account
  • Asset
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • Prospect/Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Price Book
Select external ID field Select the external ID for the selected business object.
All or None
Specifies the transactional behavior for Salesforce application operations.
  • If selected, it maps to UnexpectedErrorFault.
  • If unselected, it returns the whole response even if it contains error elements along with success elements in the response.
Configure header properties (Optional)

Specify the duplicate rule to see if the record being upserted is a duplicate of an existing record.

  • Select to ignore the duplicate management rule: This selection allows you to save duplicate records. If not selected, duplicate management rules are followed.
  • Select to run the duplicate management rule: This selection allows the rule to run according to the current user's sharing rules. If not selected, the system's sharing rules are used.
  • Assignment Rule: This selection specifies the assignment rules to use while performing an Upsert operation on Account, Case, or Lead business objects. You can either use the Default Assignment Rule or mention a specific Assignment Rule ID.

    If Default Assignment Rule is set to True, then default (active) assignments are used. If set to False, then default (active) assignments are not used.


This selection deletes multiple records for different business objects.

Element Description
All or None
Specifies the transactional behavior for Salesforce application operations.
  • If selected, it maps to UnexpectedErrorFault.
  • If unselected, it returns the whole response even if it contains error elements along with success elements in the response.

Operations Page - Query Information

Configure the Query Information selection.

Select an operation type:


Execute a SOQL or SOSL query to fetch records or perform text-based searches across multiple business objects in Salesforce based upon the specified criteria.

Element Description

Enter a SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) or SOSL (Salesforce Object Search Language) Query Statement

Enter a valid query statement. SOQL statements evaluate to a list of sObjects, a single sObject, or an integer for count method queries. The following examples are provided:
“SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Name LIKE 'A%' AND MailingCity = 'California'”

SOSL statements evaluate to a list of sObjects, where each list contains the search results for a particular sObject type. For example:

“SELECT,, a.accountNumber, from Contact c, c.Account”

Click to display any binding parameters.

Binding Parameters

Displays any parameters included in the query. For example, orgId is a parameter in the following query:

SELECT,, a.accountNumber, from Contact c, c.Account a WHERE = "&orgId"  

This query displays a binding parameters text box in which to enter a test value for orgId.

Test My Query

Click to validate the query against the Salesforce application. Query results are displayed. If errors occur, you receive results about how to correct the query.

Configure header properties (Optional)

Specify the number of records to return in a query call.

The minimum value is 200 and the maximum value is 2000.


Retrieve multiple records of the same business object.

Element Description

Filter By Object Name

Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • Recommended: Displays the most frequently used objects.

  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with __c (two underscores).

  • Standard: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.

  • All: Displays all objects.

Select Business Object

Select a business object to include in the operation.

Operations Page - Core or Utility Operations

Configure the Core or Utility Operations selection.

Element Description
Choose operation
  • Get User Info: Retrieves information about the current user being used in the Salesforce connection configuration. This operation does not take any input data. This operation returns user information such as userId, userFullName, userEmail, profileId, roleId, organizationId, and so on.

  • Get Deleted: Retrieves deleted IDs of the Salesforce record of a selected object for a limited time period (maximum of one month).
  • Get Updated: Retrieves IDs of an updated Salesforce record of a selected object for a limited time period (maximum of one month).
  • Approval Process: Related to the approval process in An approval process automates how records are approved, rejected, or removed in

    With the help of the Salesforce REST Adapter, you can use two process modes to submit the approval request and process the requests approval action.

    Process mode:
    • ProcessSubmitRequest
    • ProcessWorkitemRequest
  • Send Email: Triggers a single email message request to Salesforce. This operation takes most standard email attributes, templateIds, targetObjectIds, and other attributes as input. This operation responds with the Boolean element Success that defines the status of the message triggered. If the email message is successfully triggered, it responds with true. Otherwise, it responds with false.

    • Send Mass Email: Triggers a mass email message request to Salesforce. This operation takes most standard email attributes, templateIds, multiple targetObjectIds, and other attributes as input. This operation returns the Boolean element Success that defines the status of the message triggered. If the email message is successfully triggered, it responds with true. Otherwise, it responds with false.

Filter By Object Name

(Displays if Get Deleted or Get Updated was selected.)

Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • Recommended: Displays the most frequently used objects.

  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with __c (two underscores).

  • Standard: Displays business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.

  • All: Displays all objects.

Select Business Object

(Displays if Get Deleted or Get Updated was selected.)

Select a business object to include in the operation.

Operations Page - Invoke Apex Services

Configure the Invoke Apex Services selection.

Element Description

What is the endpoint's relative resource URI?

Specify the relative path associated with the resource. The path can contain template parameters specified with curly braces (for example, {order-id}). A resource is any source of specific information that can be addressed. The resource path follows a fixed, prefixed URL appended with the specified relative path. By default, the URL is prefixed with the following path:

What action do you want to perform on the endpoint?

Select a single HTTP action (method) for the endpoint to perform:
  • GET: Retrieves (reads) information (for example, makes queries). If you select this option, you cannot configure a request payload for this endpoint.
  • PUT: Updates information.
  • POST: Creates information.
  • DELETE: Deletes information. If you select this option, you cannot configure a request payload for this endpoint.
  • PATCH: Partially updates existing resources (for example, when you only need to update one attribute of the resource).

Select any options that you want to configure Based on your selections, you can add parameters or configure a request and/or response for this endpoint.
  • Add and review parameters for this endpoint: Click Configure to specify the query parameters and view the template request parameters created as part of the resource URI for this endpoint. If you select this option, the Query and Template Parameters page is displayed.
  • Configure a request payload for this endpoint: Click Configure to configure the request payload for this endpoint, including specifying the JSON sample location. If you select this option, the Sample Request Payload page is displayed.

    Note: Only PUT and POST actions support this (Configure a request payload for this endpoint) option. Therefore, this option is displayed when you select the PUT or POST action.

  • Configure this endpoint to receive the response: Click Configure to configure the response payload for this endpoint, including specifying the JSON sample location. If you select this option, the Sample Response Payload page is displayed.