Stream & Partition Page

Select the stream and partition on which to perform the stream operation and optionally specify the message and header structure.

Configure the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter as a Trigger (Inbound)

Element Description

Select a Stream

Select the stream in which to perform the operation. You can also enter the beginning letters of the topic to filter the display of streams. A stream is a category in which applications can add, process, and reprocess messages. You subscribe to messages in streams.

Specify the Partition

Specify the partition to which to push the selected stream. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service streams are divided into partitions that enable you to split data across multiple brokers. If you do not select a specific partition and use the Default selection, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service considers all available partitions and decides which one to use.
Consumer Group Specify the consumer group to attach.

Consumers join a group by using the same group ID. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service assigns the partitions of a stream to the consumers in a group.

Note: When using a nondefault partition, specify the consumer group specific to the topic partition.

Polling Frequency (sec) Specify the frequency to poll for records in seconds.
Maximum Number of Records to be fetched Specify the maximum number of records to fetch.

Note: This field specifies the upper boundary of records to fetch. It does not guarantee the specified amount of records to retrieve from the stream in a single run. Remaining messages are fetched in subsequent runs.

Do you want to specify the message structure?

Select Yes if you want to define the message structure to use on the Message Structure page of the wizard. Otherwise, select No.

Do you want to specify the headers for the message?

Select Yes if you want to define the message headers to use on the Headers page of the wizard. Otherwise, select No.

Review and update advanced configurations Click Edit to open the Advanced Options section to select the message type (string or bytes). This action defines the serializers to use for the message. This selection is applicable for the message key and value.

Configure the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service Adapter as an Invoke (Outbound)

Element Description

Select a Stream

Select the stream in which to perform the operation. You can also enter the beginning letters of the topic to filter the display of streams. A stream is a category in which applications can add, process, and reprocess messages. You subscribe to messages in streams.

Specify the Partition

Specify the partition to which to push the selected stream. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service streams are divided into partitions that enable you to split data across multiple brokers. If you do not select a specific partition and use the Default selection, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service considers all available partitions and decides which one to use.

Note: This field is not displayed if you selected Consume messages from Stream by specifying offset on the Operations page.

Consumer Group

(This field is only displayed if you select Consume messages from Stream.)

Specify the consumer group to attach.

Consumers join a group by using the same group ID. The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Streaming Service assigns the partitions of a stream to the consumers in a group.

Note: When using a nondefault partition, specify the consumer group specific to the topic partition.

Specify the option for consuming messages

(This field is only displayed if you select Consume messages from Stream.)

  • Read latest: Reads the latest messages starting at the time at which the integration was activated.
  • Read from beginning: Select to read messages from the beginning.

    As an example, if you select to read from the beginning and have activated the integration, the first scheduled run picks up 20 records and the next scheduled run picks up the next 20 records. If the integration is then deactivated, edited, and reactivated, the next 20 records are picked up.

Do you want to specify the message structure?

Select Yes if you want to define the message structure to use on the Message Structure page of the wizard. Otherwise, select No.

Do you want to specify the headers for the message?

Select Yes if you want to define the message headers to use on the Headers page of the wizard. Otherwise, select No.

Review and update advanced configurations Click Edit to open the Advanced Options section to select the message type (string or bytes). This action defines the serializers to use for the message. This selection is applicable for the message key and value.