Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the SAP SuccessFactors Adapter:

Subscribe to SAP SuccessFactors

Purchase a subscription to SAP SuccessFactors. When you subscribe, you receive a company ID, username, and password. The information required for creating a SAP SuccessFactors Adapter connection on the Connections page includes an SFAPI WSDL location (WSDL URL). This WSDL location represents your API endpoint, which depends on where your SAP SuccessFactors instance is located. It can be in one of several data centers. Contact your SAP SuccessFactors representative if you are unsure of which data center to use.

See Configure Connection Properties and Configure Connection Security.

Configure Support for Selecting Events

  1. Log in to SAP SuccessFactors.

  2. In the upper-right corner, search for Intelligent services in the search box, then click Intelligent Services Center (ISC).

    You are redirected to the Intelligent Services Center. The Intelligent Services Center lists all events available in your SAP SuccessFactors instance.

  3. Select the required event to configure (for example, Add Global Assignment).

  4. Create a flow or modify the existing flow for triggering the event.

  5. Add an event connector to subscribe to the event.

  6. For configuring the event connector, you can either modify the existing event connector with your endpoint URL and authentication or you can configure a new event connector.

  7. Click the event connector under custom activities, and then click the new event connector to configure a new event connector.

  8. Configure the endpoint URL of the event connector with the integration endpoint URL that is obtained after activating the integration in Oracle Integration, along with basic authentication details that are supported by Oracle Integration.

  9. Configure the flow rule for triggering the event.

  10. Navigate to the actions section and save the flow.


    Ensure that the configuration is saved. The event is not triggered if the configuration is not saved.

Create a Client Application

If you want to use the SuccessFactors SAML Bearer Assertion Flow with Username Password Token Support security policy, you must satisfy the following prerequisites.

When you register your client application, SAP SuccessFactors automatically generates the API key and shared secret (private key). You’ll use it when you configure security for your SAP SuccessFactors Adapter connection.

To create a client application in SAP SuccessFactors:

  1. Sign in to the SAP SuccessFactors admin center.
  2. Search for Manage OAuth2 Client Applications in the Tools Search field.
  3. Click Register Client Application.
  4. Enter the relevant information.
  5. Click Register. The system generates the API key and shared secret (private key).
  6. Copy the API key and shared secret values. You'll need to enter these values in the API Key and Private Key fields when you configure security for your SAP SuccessFactors Adapter connection in Oracle Integration. See Configure Connection Security.