Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the SugarCRM Adapter.

Purchase a Subscription to SugarCRM

Purchase a subscription to SugarCRM. When you subscribe, you receive the SugarCRM admin credentials. You must have Sugar Sell and Sugar Serve licenses.

Create an Instance

  1. Enroll in the SugarCRM Software Partner Program using the link
  2. Once you are enrolled, request a Demo Builder account using the link

    The Demo Builder enables you to create and manage your own sandboxes. An email is sent to you to activate your Demo Builder account and set your password.

  3. Log in to your Demo Builder account
  4. Create an instance in Demo Builder. An email is sent to you containing your instance username and password.
  5. Copy your username and password. You'll need to enter these values in the username and password fields when you configure security for your SugarCRM Adapter connection. See Configure Connection Security.
  6. Click Preview for the respective instance.
  7. Copy the value for your SugarCRM instance URL. You'll need to enter this value in the Site URL field when you configure connection properties for your SugarCRM Adapter connection. See Configure Connection Properties.

Create an OAuth Key

  1. Log in to your SugarCRM instance using the SugarCRM admin credentials.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click your profile icon, and select Admin.
    The profile icon is selected to show options for Profile, Employees, and Admin.

  3. Click OAuth Keys.
    The list shows Import Wizard, Currencies, Repair, Diagnostic Tool, Tracker, PDF Manager, Mobile, OAuth Keys, and Sugar Updates.

  4. Click Create OAuth Key.
    The options are OAuth Keys, Create OAuth Key, and View OAuth Keys.

  5. Enter a consumer key name and consumer key.
  6. Copy the value for your consumer key. You'll need to enter this value in the Client Id field when you configure security for your SugarCRM Adapter connection. See Configure Connection Security.
  7. Enter a consumer secret.
  8. Copy the value for your consumer secret. You'll need to enter this value in the Client Secret field when you configure security for your SugarCRM Adapter connection. Configure Connection Security.
  9. Select OAuth 2.0 for the OAuth Version.
    The Create dialog shows the Save (which is selected) and Cancel tabs. Below are fields for Consumer Key Name and OAuth Version, which includes a selected value of OAuth 2.0.

  10. Click Save.