Export Candidate Data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition

This section provides an overview of asynchronously exporting bulk data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition, downloading it to Oracle Integration, and making it available for downstream processing by applications such as HCM, EBS, or an FTP site. The exported data consists of a list of job candidates.

About the Export Candidate Data Pattern

The export candidate data pattern exports bulk data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

You first submit a query to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition to export (extract) the data. This operation returns a message key from the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition server. Though the invocation is a synchronous call, Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition internally processes this as an asynchronous call and returns a message key.

The message key identifies the status and the correlation key. If either the state or correlation key are not in the required state, the flow waits for 15 seconds and rechecks the state and correlation key using the message key. This process continues until a correlation key is fetched or the state >=5.

Once the correlation key is fetched, it is used to get the document that contains the results of the query initially sent to Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

Implement the Export Candidate Data Pattern

You can asynchronously export bulk data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition, download it to Oracle Integration, and make it available for downstream processing by applications such as Oracle HCM Cloud, Oracle E-Business Suite, or an FTP site. As an example, the exported data may contain a list of new hires that must be imported into an HRMS systems.

This section provides a high-level overview of designing this type of integration.

  1. Use Taleo Connect Client (TCC) to configure the data to export (for this example, a list of job candidates). See Export Data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.
  2. Create a schedule integration.
  3. Add an Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter as an invoke connection to obtain the data that contains the list of candidates.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name (for this example, sendQuery) and optional description.
    2. On the Actions page, select Export data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.
    3. On the Operations page, select Submit Document.
    4. On the Request Configuration page, click Browse and select the wrapsoap.xml file that contains the export configuration job that you created in Taleo Connect Client. This file is uploaded to define the structure and entity of the data to export.
  4. Map a query in the mapper to filter a list of candidates in Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition. The elements shown are part of the configuration job you exported in the wrapsoap.xml file in Taleo Client Connect. See Export Data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.

    The mapper enables you to build and override queries that were part of the export configuration job. As an example:

    1. Set values for the target elements. The ExportQuery element contains the exported configuration job.
    2. Expand ExportQuery > query, and click @alias to set a value in the Expression for field. You must provide a value or the integration fails. The value must be a unique ID that is 30 characters or less in length.
      As another example of maintaining the 30 character limit, the following function removes the first seven characters of a value and begins with the eighth to ensure that the final value is a maximum of 30 characters in length.
      concat( "Query", substring(generate-guid(), 8.0))
    3. Click filterings > filtering > containsIgnoreCase. For this example, containsIgnoreCase is the filter that was set in Taleo Client Connect and included in the export configuration job.
    4. Expand field and click @path to provide the value on which to query in the Expression for field (for this example, EmailAddress).
    5. Expand string and set a value in the Expression for field (for this example, @invalid). Therefore, this filter now queries on invalid email addresses.
    6. If your use case requires the mapping of multiple query parameters, this is possible. This is also true when using different expressions.

      A multiple query parameter needs repeating filtering nodes with one filtering node for one query parameter.

  5. Add a second Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter to check on the status of the data being exported from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition. The amount of data is large and the export can take time to complete.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name (for this example, getExportStatus) and optional description.
    2. On the Actions page, select Export data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.
    3. On the Operations page, select Get Document Status.
  6. Configure the mapper between the two Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapters to get the export status from the message key.
  7. Add an assign action and create two variables (for this example, named correlationKey (for fetching records from the data once the export process completes) and state (for checking on the state of the export)).

  8. Add a while action that runs until the status of the data export from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition is complete (when state < 5) or the correlation key is fetched.
    $state < 5.0 or $correlationKey = ""
    1. Add a wait action to wait 15 seconds between checking for the latest export status.
    2. Add a mapper and map the export status query to the message key.
    3. Add a third Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter to continue checking the export status.
      1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name (for this example, getStatusAgain) and optional description.
      2. On the Actions page, select Export data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.
      3. On the Operations page, select Get Document Status.
    4. Add a second assign action to update the variables with the latest state.
  9. Add a mapper to get the candidate's records.
  10. Add a fourth Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter to get the candidate records.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name (for this example, getCandidateRecords) and optional description.
    2. On the Actions page, select Export data from Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition.
    3. On the Operations page, select Get Document Results.
  11. Add a stage file action to read the CSV file of candidate records in segmented chunks and pass the records to downstream systems. Chunking is required because the data being exported using the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Edition Adapter consists of large volumes of records.
    1. On the Basic Info page, provide a name (for this example, ReadCSVInChunks) and optional description.
    2. On the Configure Operation page, select Read File in Segments from the Choose Stage File Operation list.
    3. For Configure File Reference, select Yes.
    4. For Specify the File Reference, select the attachment.
    5. On the Schema Options page, select Yes for Do you want to specify the structure for the contents of the file.
    6. For Which one of the following choices would be used to describe the structure of the file contents, select Sample delimited document (e.g. CSV).
    7. On the Format Definition page, define the CSV file structure. Ensure that the structure of fields defined in the wrapsoap.xml file matches the CSV structure. Otherwise, it results in errors.
  12. Map the response of the export operation to the file fields.
  13. Add an FTP Adapter for transferring the candidate data.
    1. On the Basic Info page, enter a name (for this example, FTPWrite) and an optional description.
    2. On the Operations page, select the Write File operation and specify the output directory to which to write files and the file name format.
    3. On the Schema page, specify the structure of the file contents.
    4. On the File Contents - Definition page, select the schema file name and schema element (Candidates).