Add a Call Variable Action

You add a Call Variable action to an action chain to call a method on an InstanceFactory variable defined for the current container (flow, page, or application). You can use this action to call any method on the current instance associated with the InstanceFactory variable, including asynchronous ones.


Because actions are by design synchronous, it will wait for the asynchronous call to resolve before proceeding to the next action in the chain.

Before you use a Call Variable action in an action chain, make sure an InstanceFactory type variable is already defined for the application. See Create a Type From Code.

To add a Call Variable action to an action chain:

  1. Open the Actions editor for the application.
  2. Create an action chain, or open an existing action chain to add the action in the editor.
  3. Drag Call Variable from the Actions palette into the action chain.

    You can drag the action onto the Add icon ( Add icon ) in the action chain, or between existing actions in the chain. The properties pane opens when you add the action to the chain.

  4. Update the ID field in the Properties pane to make the action more easily identifiable.
  5. From the Variables drop-down list, select an InstanceFactory type variable defined for the application.
  6. In the Method field, select the method you want to call. The available methods are based on the definition file imported for the type.
  7. Click Assign to open the Assign Parameters window, then map variables to the action's parameters by dragging the variable in the Sources pane onto the parameter in the Target pane. If a suitable variable does not exist, use the + icon to create a new variable.

    The method's return value will be part of the outcome passed to the subsequent chain.