Add a Navigate Action

You add a Navigate action to navigate to a specific page and optionally pass parameters to activate that page.

To add a navigation action to an action chain:

  1. Open the Actions editor.
  2. Click the action chain in the list to open it in the Action Chain editor.
  3. Drag Navigate from the Navigation section in the Actions palette and drop it into the action chain.

    You can drag the action onto the Add icon ( Add icon ) in the action chain; typically this action will be the final action in the chain. The properties pane opens when you add the action to the action chain.

  4. Select the type of navigation you want in the Properties pane:
    • Page: Enables navigation to a sibling of the current page or a deeply nested page relative to the root of the application or the current page.
    • Flow in Parent Page: Enables navigation to a flow of the parent page.
    • Flow in Current Page: If the page includes a flow container component, enables navigation to a flow or page within the current page.

    Complete the following steps as it applies to your use case:

    1. Select an existing page from the drop-down list of available pages, or click the Create link next to Page to create a new page as the target for the Navigate action.

      The pages you can select can be one of the root (shell) pages of the application, another flow or page in the current flow, or a different flow of the parent page. One or more of these options might not be valid targets for your action chain. Here is an example of properties for navigation to a deeply nested page:

      Description of action-chain-editor-selecttarget.png follows
      Description of the illustration action-chain-editor-selecttarget.png
    2. If the page you select requires input parameters, click the Assign link next to Input Parameters to map a page variable to the action’s Input Parameter. Click Save.

      In the Assign Input Parameters dialog box, you map Sources to Targets by dragging the variable in the Sources pane onto the parameter in the Target pane. If a suitable variable does not exist, use the + icon beside the relevant node (Action Chain, Page, and so on) to create a new variable.

      You can click the parameter name to view the expression for the mapped variable.
      Description of action-chain-map-pageinputparameters.png follows
      Description of the illustration action-chain-map-pageinputparameters.png