Enable Resizing of a Table Column

You can enable columns in a table to be resized, functionality that is particularly useful if a column's values are too long.

  1. Select the table on the page to view its properties.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Click View Detail (View Detail icon) next to Table Columns to view the table's column definition.
  4. Locate the column that you want to be resizable. For example, when you want the Name column to be resizable, add "resizable": "enabled" to the column definition:
        "headerText": "Name",
        "field": "name",
        "resizable": "enabled"

If you now switch to Live mode, you should be able to resize the Name column:
Description of table-columnresize.png follows
Description of the illustration table-columnresize.png

If your data is cut off, you might want to enable text wrapping. See Wrap Table Text.