Wrap Table Text

If the header text for table columns doesn't display completely when a column's width is reduced, you can enable text wrapping for the header. To do this:

  1. Select the table on the page to view its properties.
  2. Click the Data tab.
  3. Under Table Columns, find the column whose header text you want to wrap and click Column Detail (View Detail icon).
  4. Add white-space:normal; word-wrap:break-word; to the Columns, Style property.
You can also update the column definition in a page's Code view. Update the style attribute as shown here on the column definition to enable wrapping if the header does not fit:
"white-space:normal; word-wrap:break-word;"
You can enable text wrapping for the content in table columns as well. To do this:
  1. Under Table Columns in the table's Data tab, find the column whose content you want to wrap and click Column Detail (View Detail icon).
  2. Add white-space:normal to the Columns, Style property.