Add a Reset Variables Action

You add a Reset Variables action to reset variables to their default values, as specified in the variable definitions.

To use a Reset Variables action:

  1. Add the action in one of three ways, depending on your preference and where you want it added:
    • Drag the action from the Actions palette onto the canvas, dropping the action either at the bottom edge of the action it is to follow, or at the top edge of the action it is to precede.
    • Double-click the action in the Actions palette to add it to an empty canvas or to the end of an action chain.
    • On the canvas, select the action you want the new action to follow, then double-click the new action in the Actions palette.
  2. Update the ID field in the Properties pane to make the action more identifiable.
  3. Click the Variables to Reset box to select the variables that you want to reset. You can also start to type the variable's name in the box and select it when it appears.

For API information about this action, see Reset Variables in the Oracle Visual Builder Page Model Reference.