Create a Search Filter for a Table

You can use an input text component to filter a table column to search for text.

  1. Drag an Input Text component onto your page.
  2. Click the All tab of the component and locate the raw-value attribute, which tracks what is typed into the text field.
  3. Click the Select Variable icon for the attribute to create a new page variable (call it searchVar, for example).

    After you set the raw-value attribute, when you type in the Input Text field, the value of the searchVar variable will change.
  4. Click the table, then click the Add Data quick start to populate the table.
  5. On the Add Data page of the quick start, specify the business object you want to use and click Next.
  6. On the Bind Data page of the quick start, bind the fields you want to display and click Next.
  7. On the Define Query page of the quick start, click the filterCriterion builder icon on the Target side.
  8. Select the table column you want to filter, the operation you want to use ($co for Contains, or $sw for Starts With, for example), and the value ($variables.searchVar).

Once you have bound the raw value of the input text to a variable and then used that variable as the filter criterion for a table column, you have your search filter. Use the Run icon or the Live button to test the behavior.