February 2024 (24.02)

Common Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

Improved Adapters page on the Oracle Help Center

The Adapters page on the Oracle Help Center now offers graphical views of the available adapters and improved searching and filtering capabilities:

  • Find adapter documentation quickly by searching using keywords.
  • Browse the available adapters by filtering by category, integration role, most popular, and more.
  • View the adapters in card view or list view.
  • View the recipes that are available for a given adapter.

The card view of the Adapters page appears. Red boxes highlight key features, including the search bar, the filtering options, the buttons for toggling the card and list views, and the View recipes button, which appears on every adapter that has recipes associated with it.


Additional instances are ready for upgrade

The following instances can now be upgraded to Oracle Integration 3:
  • Instances that use allowlists.

    You must complete some steps before the upgrade. See Update Allowlists and Complete Pre-Upgrade Tasks in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.

  • If you use the Processes capability but aren't using it in production, you have the option to skip process applications during upgrade. This approach is appropriate if you've tried Processes in non-production Oracle Integration Generation 2 environments but don't need or want to retain it in Oracle Integration 3.


    • If you have process in production, wait until Processes upgrade is supported.
    • Importing process applications created in Oracle Integration Generation 2 into Oracle Integration 3 isn't currently supported.

    You must complete some steps before the upgrade. See Complete Upgrade Prerequisites in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.

See Upgrade from Oracle Integration Generation 2 to Oracle Integration 3 in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Integration and Connectivity Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

Build your own adapters with the Rapid Adapter Builder

The Rapid Adapter Builder transforms the adapter experience in Oracle Integration by allowing you to build an adapter for any application that exposes REST APIs.

Oracle provides a Visual Studio Code extension for the Rapid Adapter Builder. Use the extension to develop, validate, and publish an adapter to an Oracle Integration instance.

See Learn About the Rapid Adapter Builder in Oracle Integration in Using the Rapid Adapter Builder with Oracle Integration 3.


Test an integration from the canvas

You can test REST Adapter trigger connection-based integrations and scheduled integrations with the Run integration icon button in the integration canvas. This button automatically activates your integration with the tracing level set to debug and lets you specify request details from inside the integration canvas. This capability simplifies integration testing and eliminates the need to separately exit the canvas, activate the integration and set the tracing level, and access the Configure and run page to specify your request details.

See Test Integrations from Inside the Integration Canvas in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Observability enhancements

Observability has received the following enhancements.


Jet Redwood diagram uptake in the integration canvas

The design-time and runtime integration canvas has been enhanced with the Jet Redwood diagram component. Key changes include the following:
  • The header bar now extends the full width of a node. The following switch action provides an example. If you expand the node (for example, add another route to the switch), the header bar is extended further.

    The switch action shows two branches: Route1 and Otherwise. Both have been collapsed. In the upper right corner, the Actions menu is being selected.

  • You can expand and collapse the individual routes in switch actions, branches in parallel actions, and individual pick actions in a REST Adapter trigger connection. The following switch action example shows that both Route 1 and Otherwise are collapsed. Both are treated as separate groups.

    The switch action shows two branches: Route1 and Otherwise. The collapse icon in Route1 is being selected.

  • The main group and fault handler of a scope action are visible side by side. You can collapse each separately. If you add more than one fault handler, they are added to a fault handling group. The main group and each individual fault handler in the fault handler group can also be collapsed. If you delete fault handlers until only one is left, the fault handler group is deleted and the remaining fault handler is visible side by side with the main group.

    The scope action shows the collapse icon for the main group being selected. The Fault handler group is expanded to show a logger action and re-throw fault.

  • When you drag an invoke connection into the canvas, a placeholder is created immediately. If you exit the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard before completing configuration, the invoke remains highlighted in the canvas in an unconfigured state. You can resume the configuration later.
  • Actions in accelerator integrations that cannot be edited are grayed out. The node for anything that can be edited, such as an invoke connection, is highlighted in blue.

    A map, an invoke, and a map are shown. The invoke box is highlighted in blue. Both maps are grayed out.

    When you add an extension group before and after the invoke, the invoke switches to grayed out. The extension groups are highlighted in blue and ready for editing.

  • In the runtime canvas, the nodes for successful and failed actions are highlighted in green and red, respectively.

    The global fault, logger, and re-throw fault are shown. The global fault and logger boxes are highlighted in green. The re-throw box is highlighted in red.


Stage file performance improvements

Stage file performance has improved significantly over the past few releases. If you previously reported stage file performance concerns, you will notice these improvements.


Confluent Adapter and Apache Kafka Adapter - Streaming API support

When configuring the Confluent Adapter or Apache Kafka Adapter in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, you can select to read data from topics in the Kafka cluster with the Apache Kafka Streaming API.

See Basic Info Page in Using the Confluent Adapter with Oracle Integration 3 and Basic Info Page in Using the Apache Kafka Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Private endpoint support for multiple adapters

You can configure the PayPal Adapter, GraphQL Adapter, Jira Adapter, OData Adapter, Shopify Adapter, AS2 Adapter, Zendesk Adapter, Salesforce Commerce Cloud Adapter, ServiceNow Adapter, and Marketo Adapter to connect to endpoints using a private virtual cloud network (VCN).

See Adapters that Support Connecting to Private Endpoints in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Private endpoint - OAuth 2.0 support

For private endpoints, an OAuth provider is now supported if it is privately hosted.


Coupa Sourcing Adapter - New adapter

Coupa Sourcing Adapter is the latest addition to Oracle Integration's ERP category. The Coupa Sourcing Adapter offers simplified integration for streamlined procurement, expenses, and invoicing.

See Coupa Adapter Capabilities in Using the Coupa Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Salesforce REST Adapter - New adapter

The Salesforce REST Adapter provides almost the same set of capabilities as the Salesforce Adapter, along with new enhancements that use Salesforce REST APIs under the cover. In addition, the Salesforce REST Adapter incorporates security best practices by removing the support for less secure authentication schemes such as the Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow policy and Basic Authentication policy.

See Salesforce REST Adapter Capabilities in Using the Salesforce REST Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


FTP Adapter

The FTP Adapter now supports signing and verification of data using the ECdsa and EDdsa PGP keys.

See FTP Adapter Capabilities in Using the FTP Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Snowflake Adapter - Enhancements The Snowflake Adapter provides access to Snowflake's internal stages for importing and exporting bulk data to and from the Snowflake database. The Snowflake Adapter also provides support for executing SQL queries and performing operations against tables in the Snowflake database.

See Snowflake Adapter Capabilities in Using the Snowflake Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


HubSpot Adapter - Inbound support

The HubSpot Adapter now provides inbound (trigger) support for Companies, Contacts, Deals, Line_items, Products, and Tickets for creation, deletion, and property change events. In addition, it provides authentication options using HMAC and OAuth 2.0.

See HubSpot Adapter Capabilities in Using the HubSpot Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Active Directory Adapter - Enhancements

The Azure Active Directory Adapter has been enhanced to automatically renew the webhook subscription for active integrations, eliminating the need for manual intervention. You can also subscribe to user and group events.

See Azure Active Directory Adapter Capabilities in Using the Azure Active Directory Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


OData Adapter - Enhancements
The OData Adapter has been enhanced with the following features:
  • Multilevel navigation support (Deep Insert) for the Create operation.
  • Client certificate-based authorization (for the cloud)

See OData Adapter Capabilities in Using the OData Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Event Grid Adapter - Avro support
The Azure Event Grid Adapter now supports configuring the following features in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard:
  • Selecting the Enable payload fields option to represent the individual data elements within the payload of integrations. The elements play a crucial role in defining how data is transferred and transformed between connected systems.
  • The Avro schema message structure.

See Azure Event Grid Adapter Capabilities in Using the Azure Event Grid Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Storage Adapter - Delete blob option

You can select to delete the blob after downloading it from the Azure portal in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.

See Azure Storage Adapter Capabilities and Invoke Configuration Page in Using the Azure Storage Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Service Bus Adapter - Enhancements
The Azure Service Bus Adapter has been enhanced with the following features:
  • Cloud support
  • Instance tracking wire payload

See Azure Service Bus Adapter Capabilities in Using the Azure Service Bus Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Zuora Adapter - Network call optimization

The Zuora Adapter provides support for more than four REST calls.

See Zuora Adapter Capabilities in Using the Zuora Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


SAP SuccessFactors Adapter - Support for pagination and multilevel expanding
The SAP SuccessFactors Adapter has received the following enhancements:
  • Supports multilevel navigation for data retrieval, building on its existing capability. You can seamlessly navigate between entities using the navigation property.
  • Enhances outbound invocations with pagination support, facilitating efficient handling of large data sets.
  • Introduces new query parameters $inlinecount and CustomPageSize for additional flexibility in GET and Search operations, complementing the existing OData-compatible query options such as $expand, $select, $filter, $orderby, $top, and $skip.

See SAP SuccessFactors Adapter Capabilities in Using the SAP SuccessFactors Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


GCP Pub Sub Adapter - Avro support

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter has been enhanced to support the Avro message structure. The adapter now enables you to subscribe to messages (inbound) and publish messages (outbound) to topics associated with the Avro schema.

See GCP Pub Sub Adapter Capabilities in Using the GCP Pub Sub Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter - Support for updating multiple records

The Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter has been enhanced to support updating multiple matched records in Eloqua by using the Eloqua Bulk API in an invoke connection.

See Invoke Operations Page in Using the Oracle Eloqua Cloud Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Shopify Adapter - API certification

The Shopify Adapter is now certified on versions 2023-07 and 2023-10.

See the Connectivity Certification Matrix.


B2B for Oracle Integration Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

B2B Metric dashboard

You can view the overall health of B2B for Oracle Integration transactions from the B2B dashboard page. This page provides an easy way to detect and manage failed messages in your environment.

See Monitor the Overall Health of B2B Transactions in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.


Positional flat file/native format support

B2B for Oracle Integration can consume positional flat or fixed length payloads (also called data files in native format) in inbound and outbound translations. These files can be of fixed length for various fields, CSV, delimited, and other formats. B2B for Oracle Integration enables you to define a B2B schema and document from these various formats and include the document in a trading partner agreement.

See Positional Flat or Fixed Length Payloads Support in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.


X12 HIPAA standard

B2B for Oracle Integration supports the X12 HIPAA standard to exchange documents over the internet. X12 HIPAA is a subset of the X12 standard and is used in the healthcare industry for the exchange of data about health insurance claims and payments.

See About X12 HIPAA in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.


Visual Builder Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required
Dark theme You can now personalize the Designer's theme to switch from the default light theme to a dark theme more suited for low-light conditions. You can also sync your environment's color palette with your OS settings. See Tour the Designer.

With support for a dark theme, favicons can now be set independently for light and dark themes for each of your applications. You can set the favicon to any image in the image gallery by simply changing the favicon in the application's Settings editor. See Manage App Settings.

Highlighting of default flow/page in the navigator The default page and flow within your app are now badged as default in the navigator for easier identification. This way, you can quickly identify the entry points for your app without having to check artifact configuration. See How are Applications Structured? n/a
Page header fragment New pages in web applications now include a page-header fragment to hold page-specific boilerplate content that appears above the page's visual stripe. While you won't work with the fragment directly, you can customize the fragment to create a custom page-level header. See Customize Page Headers.


Pages created with previous versions will not be affected. These pages will maintain their original structure even after your app is upgraded to 24.04.
  • Fragments as sections for dynamic containers

    It's now possible to add fragments as sections in a dynamic container. By default, all fragments tagged as pageContent become available for selection when you add a section to a dynamic container. You also have the option of indicating a particular fragment as preferred content for all sections in the container. See Add Fragments as Sections in a Dynamic Container.

  • InstanceFactory types for fragments

    Types from code, known as InstanceFactory types, can now be defined in fragments, making these types accessible to fragments. As with all fragment artifacts, these types are local to the fragment. See Create a Type From Code.

  • New properties for fragment slots

    The Fragment Slot component now provides several new properties to help you configure a named slot, including a Preferred Content option that indicates the type of content the slot can contain. See Add Slots to a Fragment.

  • Drag and drop for fragment slots

    Fragment consumers can now drag and drop their component of choice onto a fragment slot in the fragment's Properties pane, in addition to the Insert Component option. See Add Slots to a Fragment.

  • Improvements on customizing fragment variable display in the Properties pane
Buffering Data Provider type Oracle JET's Buffering Data Provider, which temporarily stores data changes in a buffer until they are ready to be committed to the data source, is now available as a type out of the box in Visual Builder. You can create variables based on the Buffering Data Provider type and bind them to tables, list views, or any component that accepts a data provider. See Create Variables to Temporarily Store Data in a Buffer. n/a
Audit improvements We've made several improvements, including performance updates, to enhance the auditing experience, key among them being:
  • Navigator badge to indicate audit error

    Audit errors are now badged in the Navigator to indicate that action must be taken to resolve the issue. The badge persists until the error is fixed or until the session ends.

  • New Copy to Clipboard option

    A new Copy to Clipboard option in the right-click menu allows you to copy one or all audit issues to your clipboard for further processing.

See Audit Application Code.

Build-related logs You can now troubleshoot build-related issues that prevent your app from being staged or published. Build logs are available in a new Logs tab at the bottom of your browser. See Troubleshoot Build Issues. n/a
Prerendered pages for improved SEO In an effort to improve search engine optimization (SEO), Visual Builder now prerenders and caches your application's pages, returning a fully rendered page to web crawlers for indexing. To further improve response times, use the vb-prerender-cache-warm Grunt task to warm the cache for URLs listed in your application's sitemap, so web crawlers always get the fastest possible response when requesting those URLs. See Optimize Your App for Search Engines. n/a
Page Designer improvements
  • Core Pack in Components palette

    The next generation of Oracle JET components, known as Core Pack components, are now available in the Components palette as part of the Early Access category. These components, written entirely using the VComponent API and the JET Virtual DOM architecture, are available as a completely new set of components, so you can use Core Pack and legacy components side by side in your application. Core Pack components provide improved rendering performance over legacy components. See Add Components to Pages.

  • Page input parameters from parent flows

    When input parameters for a page are defined beyond its current scope (say, at the app or flow level), those parameters are now listed in the Page Input Parameters dialog, allowing you to readily pass the input parameter from parent flows and pages. See Enable Variables as Input Parameters.

  • Live/Design toggle change

    To switch between Live and Design modes using the Ctrl key (Cmd on Mac), the cursor must now be on the canvas. This way, the mode won't switch when the canvas is not in focus. Releasing the key to switch the toggle back works anywhere. See Use the Page Designer.

Option to reopen closed tabs To reopen recently closed tabs, you can now simply right-click an empty space on the tab bar in the Page Designer and select Reopen Closed Tab—until you get to the tab you want to reopen. See Tour the Designer. n/a
Automatic endpoint selection in collection quick starts When using a business object or a service with expected endpoints, Visual Builder now automatically selects the correct endpoint in the Add Create Page, Add Edit Page, and Add Detail Page quick starts. You only need to select the fields you want to display in your pages. See Use the Create Page Quick Start, Use the Add Edit Page Quick Start, and Use the Add Detail Page Quick Start. n/a
Event enhancements
  • Event editor updates to improve developer productivity

    We've reworked how new action chains are generated when you create a listener for an event. Previously, you would use several clicks to create a new action chain at the desired scope with a particular name in the Create Event Listener wizard. Now you simply click the Create {scope} Action Chain option to generate an action chain with a name in the format {event/varId}ChangeListener. See Create Event Listeners for Events.

  • New behavior type for custom events

    The transform behavior type for custom events is deprecated and replaced by the new tranformPayload behavior type for new event listeners. The change does not impact existing apps with events configured to use the transform type, but the new tranformPayload type addresses issues with invoking event listeners in the correct order. You are, therefore, encouraged to switch to the new behavior type for your existing apps. See Choose How Custom Events Call Event Listeners.

JavaScript action chain enhancements
  • Actions tab renamed

    The Actions tab is now the Action Chains tab.

  • New options for local functions

    You can now convert a local function to an action chain so it can be used by other action chains. Simply right-click the local function and select the new Convert Function to Chain option. It's also possible to create a local function from an action on the canvas. Just drag an action on the canvas onto the Create Function button, or onto the green line that appears before or after a local function. See Design Editor.

  • Summary button to simplify action chain view

    You can now visually simplify your view of an action chain by hovering over the canvas's upper-left corner and clicking the Summary button. The Summary button hides the input parameter details of each action (except for the Assign Variable and Reset Variables actions). Click the Full button to switch back to the complete view. See Design Editor.

  • Simplified display for action parameters

    We've simplified and enhanced how parameters display in different actions. Parameters displayed in actions such as Open URL, Call REST, and Fire Data Provider Event are now grouped. Also, the Store Result In variable has been added to the header to make it more readable.

  • Changes to the Assign Variable action

    • The Assign Variable action can now be used to create a local variable, by adding the action and using the Properties pane to define it.

    • Consecutive Assign Variable actions are now consolidated into a single action.

    See Add an Assign Variable Action.

  • Support to drag and drop an action into an else branch

    You can now drag and drop an action into an else branch on the canvas.

Business objects
  • UI changes for business objects based on your own schema

    When working with business objects that use your own schema, you'll notice some UI changes, primarily when adding or editing a business object's fields. See Create a Business Object Based on a DB Table or View and Add Fields to a Business Object Based on a DB Table or View.

  • Improved error handling for business object diagrams

    When business objects and their relationships don't display on the Diagram canvas because of syntax errors, the editor now displays an error message and allows you to edit the JSON source file (diagram.json) to fix the error.

Support for OCI Process Automation

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation, a service that quickly automates business approval workflows, can now be integrated in Visual Builder. To leverage this functionality in your application, create an OCI Process Automation backend, then create service connections for the REST APIs you want to use. See Connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation APIs.
