What's New

Learn about new and changed endpoints for the Oracle Integration 3 REST API.

August 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API

The following new certificate related API functions have been added:

June 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Rapid Adapter Builder

The Rapid Adapter Builder is a Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension that helps you generate the code required to build an adapter. You can use this extension to iteratively develop an adapter and publish it to Oracle Integration.

With this release, the following new Rapid Adapter Builder related API functions have been added:

B2B The Export a B2B Schema API function now includes a new includeDoc flag parameter that you can use to export all the schema documents along with the schema.

April 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API
The following new connection related API function has been added:
The following new integration related API functions have been added:
The following new library related API functions have been added:
The following new lookup related API functions have been added:

The following new document customization related API functions have been added:

The following new trading partner migration related API function has been added:

February 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Integrations/Clone Instance

The following new clone instance related API functions have been added:


The Retrieve Integration Instances API function now supports duration based search. The following query parameters are added:

  • maxDuration
  • minDuration

The Retrieve Errored Instances API function now supports search in an error messages and search in detailed error messages.

Integrations/Integrations/Scheduled Integrations

The following new API function has been added:

The following new Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) related project API functions have been added:

December 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
The following new lookup related API functions have been added:
The following new library related API functions have been added:

October 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API

The Retrieve Errored Instances and Retrieve Integration Instances API functions now support exact match values search using the businessIDValue, primaryValue, secondaryValue, and tertiaryValue attributes. To perform exact match searches, encapsulate the search values in square brackets followed by single quotation marks. For example, '[Test-instance1]', and '[Testinginstance2]'.

Additionally, the date range difference is limited to 32 days. You can select any date within the 32 days range of Oracle Integration Instance data retention period.

Integrations/Environment Oracle Integration applications allow authenticated access from Oracle domains like oracle.com, oraclecorp.com, oracleonsrcloud.com, oc.scloud, oci.scloud, oracleiaas.com, and oraclecloud.com. They do not allow authenticated access from arbitrary origins. All domains belonging to arbitrary origins need to be registered in the allowed list of sites for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) processing. The following new API functions have been added to manage the list of allowed sites for (CORS) processing:
B2B/Monitoring The following two new API functions have been added:

August 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Integrations/Projects/Deployments The following new deployment related API functions have been added:
  • In the Retrieve Integration Instances API:
    • The orderBy filter parameter now includes executiontime to filter integration instances by execution time.
    • The return parameter now supports more control over the response of the API. The following URL parameters are supported:
      • summary
      • minimal
      • metadata
      • metadataminimal
  • In the Resubmit an Errored Integration Instance API function, you can now change the recovery trace level. Valid values are debug, production, and audit. The response also indicates the current trace level.

June 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
  • The response of all the Monitoring API functions will now include the same alphanumeric value in both the id and instanceId fields.
  • In the Retrieve Errored Instances and Retrieve Integration Instances API functions, support has been added for:
    • Multi-word values search using the businessIDValue, primaryValue, secondaryValue, and tertiaryValue attributes. To perform multi-word searches, encapsulate the search values in double quotation marks followed by single quotation marks. For example, '"Test-instance1"', and '"Testing instance2"'.
    • Search primaryValue, secondaryValue, and tertiaryValue against the specified primaryName, secondaryName, and tertiaryName variable names.
    • New query filter parameter orderBy has been added that allows you to sort the list by creation date and last updated date.
Integrations/Projects/Deployments A new API function Retrieve Deployments in a Project has been added. Use this function to retrieve details of all the deployments in a project.
Integrations/Event Types

A new Event Types category has been added with the following new functions:

You can use these functions to create and manage event types.

May 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
B2B New B2B REST APIs for Document Customization, Monitoring, and Trading Partner have been added.

April 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API

Property and parameter changes:

  • In Retrieve Errored Instances, the following new query filter parameters have been added:
    • includePurged

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of debug-trace level purged instances. Valid values are:

      • onlyPurged

        Retrieves the list of only purged instances.

      • no

        Does not include purged instances in the retrieved list of instances.

      • yes

        Includes purged instances in the retrieved list of instances.

    • projectCode

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of instances using the project code identifier.

    • connectionCode

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of instances using the connection code identifier.

    • integration-style

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of instances using the integration style identifier. Valid values are appdriven, and scheduled.

  • In Retrieve Integration Instances, the following new query filter parameters have been added:
    • includePurged

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of debug-trace level purged instances. Valid values are:

      • onlyPurged

        Retrieves the list of only purged instances.

      • no

        Does not include purged instances in the retrieved list of instances.

      • yes

        Includes purged instances in the retrieved list of instances.

    • projectCode

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of instances using the project code identifier.

    • integration-style

      Use this query filter parameter to get a list of instances using the integration style identifier. Valid values are appdriven, and scheduled.

  • In Retrieve Errored Instances and Retrieve Integration Instances, the following response attributes have been added:
    • instanceReportingLevel
    • opcRequestId
    • isPurged

February 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API

A new Usages category has been added with the following new function:

  • Retrieve Integration Usages

    In an integration instance, you can use this API to get various usage metrics like agents usage and adapters usage.


A new Projects category has been added with the following new functions:

Project Connections

Project Integrations

September 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Integrations/Monitoring A new return parameter has been added in the following APIs:

You can use this parameter to control the data of the response.

August 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API


Integrations/Scheduled Integrations

New function:

Property and parameter changes:

  • In Pause an Integration Schedule, new query parameters async and retry have been added. You can use the async query parameter to pause the schedule in an asynchronous manner, and the retry query parameter to retry an integration schedule if it's stuck in PAUSING state.
  • In Resume an Integration Schedule, new query parameters async and retry have been added. You can use the async query parameter to resume the schedule in an asynchronous manner, and the retry query parameter to retry an integration schedule if it's stuck in RESUMING state. 202 response has been added.
  • In Run a Scheduled Integration Now, a new runAsUserName property has been added.
  • In Start an Integration Schedule, new query parameters async and retry have been added. You can use the retry query parameter to retry an integration schedule if it's stuck in STARTING state. A new runAsUserName property has been added in the request body. 202 response has been added.
  • In Stop an Integration Schedule, new query parameters async and retry. You can use the retry query parameter to retry an integration schedule if it's stuck in STOPPING state. 202 response has been added.
  • In Update Scheduled Integration Parameters, a new runAsUserName property has been added.






New function:

