June 2024 (24.06)

Common Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required
New recipes


OCI Logging Analytics
If you use the public logging service capabilities of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to collect and manage the activity stream of integrations, note that the following data is now published to the activity stream service logs:
  • Replayed parent instance ID
  • Instance completion state
  • Parent event ID

See Details for Integration 3 and Capture the Activity Stream of Integrations in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Integration and Connectivity Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

Rapid Adapter Builder - OpenAPI updates

Using the VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder, you can now update an adapter definition document with new requests from an OpenAPI document.

See Add Functionality to an Adapter Definition Document in Using the Rapid Adapter Builder with Oracle Integration 3.


Rapid Adapter Builder - Adapter bundle updates

The VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder now supports creating and importing of adapter bundles.

See Create or Import Adapter Bundles in Using the Rapid Adapter Builder with Oracle Integration 3.


Rapid Adapter Builder - New security policies for invoke connections

The Rapid Adapter Builder now supports OAuth JWT User Assertion and OAuth JWT Client Assertion security policies for invoke connections.

See OAuth JWT User Assertion and OAuth JWT Client Assertion in Using the Rapid Adapter Builder with Oracle Integration 3.


Event support in projects
You can perform the following event-based tasks in a project:
  1. Create an event.
  2. Publish the event in an integration.
  3. Subscribe to the event in an event integration.

You can also export a project that includes events, clone a project that includes events, and monitor subscribed events in a project from the Observe tab and from the globally-available Subscriptions page under Observability outside of a project.

See Create Publish, and Subscribe to Events in a Project and View Subscribed Instances in a Project in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Increase in active integrations limit

The limit on the number of active integrations per service instance has increased from 700 to 800.

See Service Limits in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Increase in string size limit

The string size limit of 10,000 characters is enforced.

See Service Limits in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Debug tracing level reset after 24 hours

After 24 hours, the Debug (Not recommended) tracing level is automatically reset to Production.

See Activate an Integration and Service Limits in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Active integration count by project on the Dashboard page

You can view the total number of application, schedule, and event integrations in projects by clicking the Active integrations link on the Dashboard page.

See View the Dashboard in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


View the dependencies between project resources

You can view the dependencies between the resources (integrations, connections, lookups, JavaScript libraries, and events) in a project.

See View the Dependent Relationships Between Project Resources in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Exit canvas during integration activation

When you test an integration in the canvas, you can perform other actions both inside and outside of the canvas while the activation is in progress.

See Test Integrations from Inside the Integration Canvas in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Refresh endpoints using connection sharing

You can override a local connection in a draft state with a configured, globally-available connection and then refresh the endpoints for the local connection.

See Add and Share a Connection Across a Project in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Import event-based integrations into a project

You can import integrations that publish and subscribe to events. Importing a publishing integration into a project also imports the event. The event becomes visible in the Events section of the project details page.

See Create, Import, or Copy an Integration into a Project in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Extensibility support for the stage file action

You can add an extension group before a stage file action configured only to write to a file. The write to file operation includes a map action. As an example use case, you may want to extend your integration with a data stitch action.

See Extend an Integration in an Accelerator Project in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Notification email enhancements

  • A new level of email address verification has been added on the Notifications page. When you enter an approved sender email address and click Save on the Notifications page, a verification code is sent to the address. You must enter the code received by that email address on the Notifications page. Upon successful verification, status is changed to Verified. See Configure Notification Emails in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.
  • The suppression list shows the list of suppressed emails by default. You can browse or search the list for addresses to remove. See Remove Email Addresses from the Suppression List in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.
  • The number of emails sent per the enforced limit includes both successful and failed messages. See View the Dashboard in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


View the execution times of iterations in looping actions in the activity stream

You can view the overall time a looping action (for example, a while action or a for-each action) took to execute all its iterations. You can also expand the looping action to view the ten slowest iterations and their times to execute.

See Track the Status of Integration Instances in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Project deployment page redesign

The project deployment page has been redesigned to make it easier to use.

See Create and Manage a Project Deployment in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Private endpoint support for multiple adapters

You can configure the SAP Ariba Adapter, SAP S/4HANA Cloud Adapter, Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter, Salesforce REST Adapter (inbound direction), and Salesforce Adapter (SOAP-based) to connect to endpoints using a private virtual cloud network (VCN).

See Adapters that Support Connecting to Private Endpoints in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.


Coupa Procurement Adapter - New adapter

The Coupa Procurement Adapter is specifically designed to optimize procurement workflows. The Coupa Procurement Adapter supports outbound invoke connections of modules such as Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Contracts, and more. The Coupa Procurement Adapter also supports custom headers and attachments.

See Coupa Procurement Adapter Capabilities in Using the Coupa Procurement Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Aconex Adapter - New adapter

The Aconex Adapter enables you to set up a connection with Oracle Aconex. You can configure the Aconex Adapter as an invoke connection in an integration.

See New Adapters and Enhancements in Oracle Integration 24.06.


Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Adapter enhancements

The Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Adapter supports the connectivity agent and XML messages.

See Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Adapter Capabilities in Using the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Adapter

The Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Adapter provides improved security through use of the connectivity agent.

See Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Adapter Capabilities in Using the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


REST Adapter and Rapid Adapter Builder - Polymorphic construct support

The REST Adapter and Rapid Adapter Builder support the anyOf polymorphic construct in OpenAPI documents.

See Support of Polymorphic Constructs for OpenAPI Connectivity in Using the REST Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


GraphQL Adapter - Header and custom security policy support

The GraphQL Adapter supports the Basic Authentication security policy and custom request and response headers.

See GraphQL Adapter Capabilities in Using the GraphQL Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter - JSON payload support

The IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter provides support for JSON payloads. The IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter is also certified on IBM MQ Cloud with the connectivity agent.

See IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter Capabilities in Using the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Database payload sizes

The MySQL Adapter, Microsoft SQL Server Adapter, PostgreSQL Adapter, IBM DB2 Adapter, SAP ASE (Sybase) Adapter, Netezza Adapter, and Snowflake Adapter now support 100 MB structured payloads for the cloud and 50 MB structured payloads with the connectivity agent.

See Service Limits in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.


Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter - SCAN DNS and public gateway support

The Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter supports connecting to the Oracle Database using a Single Client Access Name (SCAN). The Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter now also supports the public gateway as an endpoint access type.

See Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter Capabilities in Using the Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


GCP Pub Sub Adapter - JWT User Assertion security policy support

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter enhances its security policy for trigger and invoke connections in the following ways:
  • For trigger connections: JWT User Assertion for OAuth and JWT Validation.
  • For invoke connections: OAuth Code Credentials and JWT User Assertion for OAuth.

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter also supports pull messages for consuming the published messages and acknowledge messages for acknowledging the pulled (consumed) messages.

See GCP Pub Sub Adapter Capabilities in Using the GCP Pub Sub Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


GCP Storage Adapter - JWT User Assertion security policy support

The GCP Storage Adapter supports the JWT security policy (service account-based authentication). The added security available with the JWT security policy does not set any limit on the expiration of refresh tokens.

See GCP Storage Adapter Capabilities in Using the GCP Storage Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Coupa Sourcing Adapter - Enhancements

The Coupa Adapter has been renamed to the Coupa Sourcing Adapter. With this release, the Coupa Sourcing Adapter provides attachment exports, allowing for files of up to 250 MB in size. The Coupa Sourcing Adapter now also supports the Authorization Code Security Policy, strengthening security for robust access control.

See Coupa Sourcing Adapter Capabilities in Using the Coupa Sourcing Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Active Directory Adapter - Organization hierarchy operations support

The Azure Active Directory Adapter introduces new operations that can be performed on the user business object for outbound invocations. This enhancement benefits users by providing a more efficient and comprehensive management of organizational hierarchies in Azure Active Directory.

See Azure Active Directory Adapter Capabilities in Using the Azure Active Directory Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Azure Event Grid Adapter - Trigger (inbound) enhancements

Support is provided for XML payload and XML namespace in the trigger (inbound) direction.

See Add the Azure Event Grid Adapter Connection to an Integration in Using the Azure Event Grid Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.


Adapter Certification updates

  • The SAP S/4HANA Cloud Adapter is certified on S/4HANA 2024.
  • The Shopify Adapter is certified with the 2024-01 and 2024-04 API versions.

See Connectivity Certification Matrix.


B2B for Oracle Integration Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

Import and export of design-time artifacts

You can now export and import individual schemas and documents from the Schemas page and Documents page. This feature is useful if you are operating in B2B standalone mode and require an alternative to exporting and importing an entire trading partner, which includes all associated agreement details, along with the schemas and documents.

See Export and Import B2B Schemas and Documents in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.


AS2 Adapter - Policy-based authentication for trigger connections and Drummond Certification Execution compliance

The AS2 Adapter supports the AS2 Advanced Message Protection security policy. This security policy is only available in the trigger (inbound) direction. This security policy authenticates the inbound message with message level digital signature verification.

The AS2 Adapter is also compliant with Drummond Certification Execution.

See Configure Connection Security in Using the AS2 Adapter with Oracle Integration 3 .


B2B Dashboard page enhancements

You can view details about the top documents processed, including the total number processed, the error rate percentage, the document direction, and the total number of errors for that specific document.

See Monitor the Overall Runtime Health of B2B Transactions in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.


File Server Features

Feature Description Minimum Version Required

Encrypting and decrypting files

You can now use the File server action along with the stage file action to complete the following tasks:

  • Encrypt a file and then write the file to File Server.
  • Decrypt an encrypted file that is in File Server.

The File server action gets a reference to a file, and the stage file action encrypts or decrypts the file.

You can also write encrypted files and decrypt encrypted files by pairing the File server action with a connection that is based on the FTP Adapter.

For more information about these encryption and decryption capabilities, see Interact with Files in File Server in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.
