Create a Notebook

You can create a notebook to query, analyze and visualize a graph.

The following are the steps to create a notebook:
  1. Click Notebooks on the left navigation menu and navigate to the Notebooks page.
  2. Click Create on the top-right side of the page.

    The Create Notebook window opens.

    Description of create_notebook.png follows
    Description of the illustration create_notebook.png

  3. Enter the Name of the notebook.

    Notebooks can be organized into a directory hierarchy. To create a new directory or to add or to move a notebook to a directory, simply give the notebook a name with slashes to indicate the directory structure.

    For example, the notebook name dir1/dir2/MyNotebook will create a notebook named MyNotebook inside a directory dir2, which is inside a root directory dir1.
  4. Optionally enter Description and Tags.
  5. Click Create.
    This creates a new notebook which opens to a blank paragraph page.