Export a Notebook

You can export one or more selected notebooks from Graph Studio to your local system.

You can choose to export the notebook in Native (.dsnb) file format, Jupyter (.ipynb) format, Zeppelin (.zpln) format, or HTML (.html) format. However, any functionality (such as tags, layout, dynamic forms, and so on) that is not supported by the chosen format will not be exported.

Perform the following steps to export a notebook:

  1. Navigate to the Notebooks page.
  2. Click Select Notebooks on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select one or more notebooks that you wish to export and click Export Notebooks (as shown highlighted in the following figure).

    Alternatively, to export an individual notebook, you can click open a specific notebook and click Export Notebook in the notebook toolbar at the top of the page.

    The Export notebooks window opens as shown:

  4. Select the Export Type.
  5. Optionally, select any Additional Settings options.
  6. Click Export.
    The notebooks are exported and saved in your local system.