Explore and Validate an RDF Graph Collection

You can view the list of RDF graph collections to which you have access in Graph Studio and explore their properties.

Also, you can execute SPARQL queries on an RDF graph collection in the Query Playground page.
  1. Navigate to the Graphs page.
  2. Select the RDF Graph tab.
    All the RDF graphs and RDF graph collections to which you have access are displayed.
  3. Select the required row having the Type as RDF Graph Collection.
    The graph collection properties are displayed on the bottom panel as shown:Description of rdf_coll_management.png follows
    Description of the illustration rdf_coll_management.png

    You can view the RDF statements that are loaded for the graph collection.

  4. Optionally, click open the additional graph options menu to perform any of the followings actions.
  5. Optionally, click the </> Query button and execute any SPARQL query on the selected RDF graph collection in the Query Playground page.

    For example:

    Description of rdf_graph_coll_query_play_ground.png follows
    Description of the illustration rdf_graph_coll_query_play_ground.png

    The query is executed successfully and the resulting query output is displayed.