Share an RDF Graph

You can share your RDF graph or RDF graph collection to allow other users to run SPARQL queries on the graph.

In order to query a shared RDF graph or RDF graph collection, the specified user must have READ privilege on the graph.

Perform the following steps for sharing RDF graphs.

  1. Navigate to the Graphs page.
  2. Select the RDF Graph tab.
    All the RDF graphs and RDF graph collections to which you have access are displayed.
  3. Select the required graph row.
  4. Select the Share Graph option either from the additional options menu or by directly clicking the share_graphicon in the bottom panel of the Graphs page.
    The Share RDF Graph slider opens as shown.

    Description of share_rdf_graphs.png follows
    Description of the illustration share_rdf_graphs.png

    All existing users who already have READ privilege on the graph are shown listed under Current Privileges.

  5. Select the user with whom you intend to share the graph from the drop-down.
    For example, in the preceding figure, the logged user ($TEST_USER2) shares the RDF graph with a different user, $TEST_USER1.
  6. Click Save to share the RDF graph with the user.
    The Current Privileges section gets updated and displays the new user with whom the graph is shared.
    Also, note the following:
    • The new user can access the shared graph on the Graphs page only for querying purpose. All other graph actions such as Rename Graph, Append to Graph, Share Graph, Create PGQL Property Graph, and Delete Graph remain disabled for the user.
    • The user can run SPARQL queries on the shared graph in the Query Playground page. For example:

      Description of query_shared_rdf_graph.png follows
      Description of the illustration query_shared_rdf_graph.png

      As seen in the preceding figure, the shared graph appears in the drop-down along with its owner name.

    • Similarly, the user can also query the shared graph using the RDF interpreter in a notebook paragraph.

      Description of rdf_interpreter_shared_graph.png follows
      Description of the illustration rdf_interpreter_shared_graph.png

    • If you want to revoke the graph sharing privilege for a specific user, then click the remove_icon icon against the user in the Share RDF Graph slider.