Get the Object Store Credentials

You need to determine your object store credentials if you want to authorize Graph Studio to access the RDF data source objects in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.


This section only applies if Graph Studio must access the object store using credentials. You can skip this section if you are using a pre-authenticated request URL to access the object store.
Perform the following steps to determine the username and password (auth token) to access the RDF object store:
  1. Sign in to the OCI console using your Oracle Cloud credentials.
  2. Click the avatar icon in the top right corner to open your profile.
    Note the first entry under Profile. This is your OCI user name.

    The OCI user name is the username to be used to access the object store.

  3. Create an auth token:
    1. Click User Settings in the Profile menu.
    2. Click Auth Tokens on the left side under Resources.
    3. Click Generate Token.

      The Generate Token dialog opens.

    4. Enter a token Description.
    5. Click Generate Token.

      The auth token is generated. Copy the token string immediately. Save it for later use as you cannot retrieve the token after closing the dialog box.

      The auth token is the password to be used to access the object store.