Manage Property Graphs

You can load a property graph into memory, share, edit, delete or preview a graph.

To manage property graphs:
  1. Click Graphs on the left navigation menu and navigate to the Graphs page.
  2. Select the Property Graph tab.
    You can see a list of property graphs for which you have access in the Autonomous Database as shown in the following figure.

    Description of list_graphs.png follows
    Description of the illustration list_graphs.png

    In the preceding figure:

    • The Type column indicates the type of the graph.

      Graph Studio supports the creation of two types of property graphs:

      • SQL Property Graph: The option to create a SQL property graph is available only if you are using an Always Free Autonomous Database instance with Oracle Database 23ai.
      • PGQL Property Graph: The option to create a PGQL property graph is available on all types of tenancies and supported on all database versions.
    • The In Memory column indicates the property graphs that are loaded into memory. You must ensure that a graph is fully loaded into memory before accessing it, as the notebook interpreters operate only on the in-memory graphs. See Available Notebook Interpreters for more information on notebook interpreters.
  3. Select any property graph.
    The details of the graph are displayed in the graph details section of the Graphs page.

    Note that this section also displays the previously computed Estimated In-Memory Graph Size.

  4. Optionally, click on any one of the following actions to be performed on the property graph:
    Action Description
    share_graph_icon You can share the graph with other users.
    re-compute_metadata_icon You can recompute the graph metadata to refresh metadata information about the graph which might have become stale, like the total number of vertices and edges. This action also recomputes and updates the Estimated In-Memory Graph Size.
    load_inmemory_icon You can load the graph into memory for analysis.


    Optionally, you can load a PGQL Property Graph by name directly in the notebook. See Reference Graphs in Notebook Paragraphs for an example.

    When you click the Load Graph Into Memory icon, the following slider is displayed:

    Description of load_graph_into_memory.png follows
    Description of the illustration load_graph_into_memory.png

    You can switch on the Ignore Invaild Edges Errors toggle to ignore all edges with missing source or destination vertices. It is only then the graph gets successfully loaded into memory. Otherwise, the Loading Graph Into Memory job fails with an error.

    edit_graph_icon You can edit the graph.
    delete_graph_icon You can delete the graph.
    This executes the desired action on the property graph.