Add a Basemap

You can use the add_basemap function to add a basemap to be displayed as a background map.

The basemap provider is specified in the source parameter which can be either a xyzservices.TileProvider object or an URL. If the source parameter is not defined, then it uses the default basemap.

Oracle Spatial AI already provides basemaps based on eLocation. The following basemaps are available through oraclesai.vis.elocation:

  • osm_positron (default)
  • osm_bright
  • osm_darkmatter
  • world_map_mb

See the add_basemap function in Python API Reference for Oracle Spatial AI for more details.

The following code displays the geometries of the block_groups SpatialDataFrame using two different basemaps.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from oraclesai.vis import plot_geometries, add_basemap, elocation

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15,10))  

# Set the titles   
ax[0].set_title('Default Basemap');  
ax[1].set_title('osm_darkmatter Basemap'); 

plot_geometries(data=block_groups, with_basemap=True, ax=ax[0], edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.2 )  
plot_geometries(data=block_groups, ax=ax[1], edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.2 )  

add_basemap(ax=ax[1], source=elocation.osm_darkmatter,

By defining the with_basemap=True parameter in the plot_geometries function, the default basemap is displayed (see the left image in the following figure). A different basemap can be added with the add_basemap function.

Alternatively, you can set the with_basemap=elocation.osm_darkmatter parameter in the plot_geometries function (see the right image in the following figure). In this case, you can omit calling the add_basemap function.

The following figure shows the background basemap added by both the preceding methods.