Plot Clusters

The plot_clusters function in oraclesai.vis allows you to associate geometries and labels, and display this association in a map.

The function works with data from SpatialDataFrame or GeoDataFrame.

The following table describes the main parameters of the plot_clusters function.

Parameter Description
X The data with the geometries. It can be either a SpatialDataFrame or a GeoDataFrame.
labels The labels associated with X. Each observation in X has a label assigned to it.
background_data A SpatialDataFrame or a GeoDataFrame with its geometries as background.
crs Indicates the coordinate reference system to be used for plotting. By default, it uses
with_bounds If True, each cluster is displayed with an enclosed polygon.
with_noise If False, all the observations with the label –1 are ignored. Otherwise, the observations are assigned to a cluster.
with_legend If True, a legend indicating the cluster’s labels is displayed.
with_basemap If True, the default basemap is displayed. If a TileProvider instance is passed, it uses it as the basemap. Alternatively, it can also take a dictionary with the oracles.vis.add_basemap parameters except ax.

See the plot_clusters function in Python API Reference for Oracle Spatial AI for more information.

The following example trains a clustering model with a LISAHotspotClustering instance using the MEDIAN_INCOME column. It then displays the geometries and the corresponding labels using the plot_clusters function in a map.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
from oraclesai.weights import KNNWeightsDefinition
from oraclesai.clustering import LISAHotspotClustering 
from oraclesai.vis import plot_clusters 
X = block_groups["MEDIAN_INCOME"]  

# Define spatial weights  
weights_definition = KNNWeightsDefinition(k=10) 

# Create an instance of LISAHotspotClustering 
lisa_model = LISAHotspotClustering(max_p_value=0.05, 
# Train the model 

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))   
plot_clusters(X, lisa_model.labels_, with_noise=False, with_basemap=True, cmap='Dark2', ax=ax)

The output is as shown: