Support Multiple Key Pairs for Secure Shell (SSH) Access

By default, the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service opc user has Secure Shell (SSH) access to all the nodes of the cluster when using the SSH key pair that was provided when the cluster was provisioned. You can also provide SSH access from different clients and for other users. For example, you may want to provide opc access to an Oracle Big Data Discovery administrator who accesses the cluster from a different computer, or you may want to create other users with different access rights.

Adding SSH Support for the opc User Using a Different Key Pair

When anOracle Big Data Cloud Service cluster is provisioned, /home/opc/.ssh/authorized_keys files are created on all the nodes of the cluster. The authorized_keys files contain the SSH public key that was provided when the cluster was provisioned.

To add an additional public key for the opc user,

  1. Obtain the new SSH public key.

    The user who needs access to the cluster can create the SSH key pair, retain the private key, and transfer the public key to the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service administrator. Or, the administrator can create the new key pair and transfer the private key to the other user. See Generating a Secure Shell (SSH) Public/Private Key Pair.

  2. Connect as the opc user to a node to which you want to add the key. See Connect to a Cluster Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  3. On a new line of the /home/opc/.ssh/authorized_keys file, paste the contents of the new SSH public key file. Do not add extra lines or line breaks.

  4. Repeat the process on every node to which you want to provide access by using the new key pair.

Adding SSH Support for Other User Accounts

To add an SSH key pair for a user other than opc:

  1. Obtain the new SSH public key.

    The user who needs access to the cluster can create the SSH key pair, retain the private key, and transfer the public key to the Oracle Big Data Cloud Service administrator. Or, the administrator can create the new key pair and transfer the private key to the other user. See Generating a Secure Shell (SSH) Public/Private Key Pair.

  2. Connect as the opc user to a node to which you want to add the key. See Connect to a Cluster Node Through Secure Shell (SSH).

  3. Create a /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file, where user is the name of the user who will have SSH access.

  4. Paste the contents of the new SSH public key file into/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Do not add extra lines or line breaks.

  5. Repeat the process on every node to which you want to provide SSH access for the user.