Update the SSH Public Key for a Cluster

A cluster must have a Secure Shell (SSH) key pair associated with it to permit secure access for the opc user. When you create a cluster, you must specify the public key. After the cluster has been created, you can replace that key (or any subsequently assigned key) with a new one.

To replace the SSH public key:
  1. Go to the Service Overview page for the cluster whose SSH public key you want to change.
  2. From the Menu icon menu at the top of the page, select Service Credentials..
    The SSH Key for VM Access dialog is displayed.
  3. Use any of the following to specify the new public key:
    1. Select Key File Name and then click Select File to select a file containing the new public key.
    2. Select Key Value and delete the current key value shown in the text area; then paste in a new one. Make sure the value does not contain extra spaces or line breaks and does not have extra line breaks at the end.
      Note: Some tools generate public SSH keys with a line break at the end, and that is allowed here. However, you shouldn’t add any additional line breaks.
    3. Select Create New Key, and a new key pair will be generated for you.