Blending Multiple Data Files

Blend multiple data files in a single transform.

You must have an existing transform to perform a blend. If you haven’t created a transform yet, then see Creating Transforms.
To blend data files:
  1. On the Catalog page, locate the transform that you want to edit.
  2. Click the More Actions More Actions icon.
    A menu with the available actions for the transform appears.
  3. Select Edit.

    The main authoring page appears.

  4. Click Add File to add another data file to this transform.
    You’ll blend this file in subsequent steps with the existing data of this transform.
  5. In the Source field, click Select.
    The Select dialog box appears.
  6. From the Source drop-down list, click the source where your sample or raw data file is located.
    A list of directories for the selected source appears in the Select File field.
  7. In the Select File field, go to the directory where your sample or raw data file is located, select it, and then click OK.
  8. Optionally, select any of the following:
    • Smart Sample: Allow the processing engine to use a sampling algorithm on the selected file instead of loading and processing the entire set of rows in the source. This shortens the time for data preparation.
    • Contains Headers: Select this option if the selected source contains a header row.
  9. Click OK.
    The additional data file is listed in a drop-down list in the top banner.
    Description of blending_list.png follows
    Description of the illustration blending_list.png

    The processing engine begins to ingest, prepare, and profile your second data file. Note that an asterisk appears on the blending drop-down list next to the second file indicating that it isn’t yet available, and a green banner notifies you that the second file is still being processed. When the service engine completes the ingestion and preparation of your second file, the asterisk on the blending drop-down list disappears, a blue banner notifies you that the blend is complete, and you can then go to the newly added file to prepare it for blending.

  10. Click Blend.
    The Blending Configuration dialog box appears.
  11. Set your blending configuration parameters.
  12. Click Submit.
    The main authoring page displays the blended data sample in your transform.
You can’t blend any additional files with your results before completing the initial blend of two files. After your initial blend is complete, repeat the steps of this procedure to add another file to your blended data results.
When a blend is completed, a third link is added to the blending drop-down menu in the main authoring page. This new blend has its own set of profile results, and you can perform additional transforms on the resulting blended file.
Note that if you add another file to this blend, then your current blend configuration is lost and the service engine begins processing a new blend.