Upgrading Chaincode Projects in Visual Studio Code

You can upgrade existing chaincode projects in Visual Studio Code to use the new features of the updated Blockchain App Builder.

For Go projects, upgrade to Go v1.20.10 before you run the command to upgrade your chaincode project.

To upgrade a chaincode project, right-click the project in the Oracle Blockchain Platform pane of Visual Studio Code, and then click Upgrade.

When you open the detail view of a chaincode project from a previous version of Blockchain App Builder, you are prompted with the following message: New chaincode library is available. Would you like to upgrade? You can select from three options:
  • Yes. The chaincode project is upgraded. The chaincode files in the lib folder are replaced. If you made any changes to these library files, back up the modified files or track the changes that you made before you run the upgrade.
  • Later. Upgrade notification is postponed for 24 hours. You are notified again after 24 hours.
  • No. You are not prompted again to upgrade. You can still upgrade the project at any time by right-clicking and selecting Upgrade, as described previously.

After you upgrade a chaincode project, synchronize the specification file with the generated source code. For more information, see Synchronize Specification File Changes With Generated Source Code.