Get application instances



Get all application instances registered with the tenant, along with the associated details. This API is currently supported only for AWS application instances. By default, all registered AWS instances and their details will be returned. Optionally, pass an instance ID as a query parameter to get details for only a single AWS instance.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully retrieved instance(s) and the details.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApplicationReadResponse
Type: object
The body of a read response will have information of all instances or individual instance, as desired by the call. The API will list out all instances and details of each instance. The security control values of each instance are also listed.
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Nested Schema : application
Type: array
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Nested Schema : Application
Type: object
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Nested Schema : SecurityControls
Type: object
This body represents the security controls passed to AWS. The Security Control Type is either Stringent, Standard, or Custom.
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Nested Schema : SecurityControlParameters
Type: object
These are the controls which AWS provides to define the security posture of an instance. See individual properties for details on each.
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400 Response

Bad request format. Check the response for more information on which fields are inaccurate. Ensure that you have a request which follows the format.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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401 Response

Unauthorized get API call. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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403 Response

Get Request is forbidden. It is likely the CASB APIs aren???t enabled for the tenant.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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404 Response

Resource requested(instance ID) is not present.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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412 Response

A precondition for this API has failed. Response has more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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500 Response

Internal Server error occurred. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to create an AWS application instance by submitting a GET request.

Example URL: Retrieving All Application Instances


Example Response Body: Retrieving All Application Instances

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "application": [
      "applicationName": "AWS",
      "instanceId": "12345678-9101-abcd-efgh-ijklmnopqrst",
      "instanceName": "RI",
      "SecurityControls": {
        "securityControlParameters": {
          "minimumPasswordLength": 6,
          "requireUppercaseCharacters": false,
          "requireLowercaseCharacters": false,
          "requireNumbers": false,
          "requireSymbols": false,
          "allowUsersToChangePassword": false,
          "maxPasswordAge": 45,
          "passwordReusePrevention": 5,
          "hardExpiry": false,
          "mfaChecker": false,
          "s3ServerSideEncryptChecker": false,
          "s3BucketPublicAccessACLChecker": false,
          "s3IsMfaEnableForDeleteBucketChecker": false,
          "ec2SecurityGroupChecker": false,
          "ec2NAclPortsChecker": false,
          "ec2NAclAllowAllChecker": false,
          "r53NoHostedZones": false,
          "r53NoHealthChecks": false,
          "ebsNonEncryptedVolumes": false,
          "rdsNonEncryptedDbs": false
      "url": "AWS/485bd647-6461-477a-a4be-3f759681a274"
  "tenantId": "abcdefgh-1234-ijkl-5678-mnopqrstuvwx"
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