Update an application instance



This API will update an existing application instance in Oracle CASB Cloud Service. You may need to update the instance configuration for any of the following 3 reasons: 1) Credentials have expired or need to be updated. 2) Security controls need to be updated 3) Both need to be updated. All three are supported. The update request type must be set to one of these. The application name must be specified as AWS. If the security control type is set to stringent or standard, then anything passed in the security control parameters body will be ignored, as those values are pre-determined by AWS.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
The body for the request varies, based on the kind of update you want to make. To update security controls only, you pass only the security controls as part of the body, along with the request type and application name.
Root Schema : ApplicationUpdateRequest
Type: object
The body of the update request depends on the kind of update you want to make. CREDENTIALUPDATE, SECURITYCONTROLUPDATE, or SECURITYANDCREDENTIAL are the three options. Depending on your choice of update type, the corresponding fields of security control securityControls and credential credentials must be populated.
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Nested Schema : ApplicationCredentials
Type: object
Body for creating credentials for AWS. The fields in the Application Credentials are needed for successfully reaching AWS and creating instance.
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  • AWS specifies an access key and secret key pair to create an instance. The first part of pair is the access key.
  • Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
  • Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
  • Can be either BASIC or CROSSACCOUNT. If it's cross-account, then role ARN, and external ID are mandatory parameters.
  • Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
  • Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
  • AWS specifies an access key and secret key pair to create an instance. The second part of pair is the secret key.
  • Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
  • ssoproperties
    Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
Nested Schema : SecurityControls
Type: object
This body represents the security controls passed to AWS. The Security Control Type is either Stringent, Standard, or Custom.
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Nested Schema : ssoproperties
Type: array
Can be left blank, if the mode is basic. Only needed in case of cross-account.
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Nested Schema : Ssoproperties
Type: object
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Nested Schema : SecurityControlParameters
Type: object
These are the controls which AWS provides to define the security posture of an instance. See individual properties for details on each.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successfully updated the instance.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApplicationUpdateResponse
Type: object
The response for a successful update will have information of the instance which got updated, and a message which indicates success or failure.
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204 Response

The instance is missing, and cannot be updated. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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400 Response

Bad request format. Check the response for more information on which fields are inaccurate. Ensure that you have a request which follows the format.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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401 Response

Unauthorized API call. See response for more details
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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403 Response

Request is forbidden. It is likely the Oracle CASB Cloud Service APIs aren???t enabled for the tenant.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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404 Response

Resource requested was not found.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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500 Response

Internal Server error occured. See response for more details.
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
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The following examples show how to update an AWS application instance by submitting a PUT request.

Example 1 URL: Updating Credentials for an AWS Application Instance


Example 1 Request Body: Updating Credentials for an AWS Application Instance

  "applicationName": "AWS",
  "credentials": {
    "accessKey": "BLHZKSBNTO7DIYRB3DRQ",
    "secretKey": "uQHUJdDrb08png%7K2guKbADYKnZKz05xke9LjTlEs",
    "roleName": "",
    "roleArn": "",
    "mode": "BASIC",
    "serviceinstancename": "",
    "externalId": "",
    "accountId": "",
    "ssoproperties": {}

Example 1 Response Body: Updating Credentials for an AWS Application Instance

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "applicationName": "AWS",
  "tenantId": "e7d56a92-dacf-6fda-c53b-89c87792ed20",
  "instanceId": "64909d3d-3855-5de1-49ed-6452ae9f6365",
  "message": "Successfully updated the application instance."

Example 2 URL: Updating Security Credentials for an AWS Application Instance


Example 2 Request Body: Updating Security Credentials for an AWS Application Instance

    "securityControlParameters": {
      "minimumPasswordLength": 7,
      "requireUppercaseCharacters": false,
      "requireLowercaseCharacters": false,
      "requireNumbers": false,
      "requireSymbols": false,
      "allowUsersToChangePassword": false,
      "maxPasswordAge": 45,
      "passwordReusePrevention": 5,
      "hardExpiry": false,
      "mfaChecker": false,
      "s3ServerSideEncryptChecker": false,
      "s3IsMfaEnableForDeleteBucketChecker": false,
      "ec2SecurityGroupChecker": false,
      "ec2NAclPortsChecker": false,
      "ec2NAclAllowAllChecker": false,
      "r53NoHostedZones": false,
      "r53NoHealthChecks": false,
      "ebsNonEncryptedVolumes": false,
      "rdsNonEncryptedDbs": false

Example 2 Response Body: Updating Security Credentials for an AWS Application Instance

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "applicationName": "AWS",
  "tenantId": "abcdefgh-1234-ijkl-5678-mnopqrstuvwx",
  "instanceId": "12345678-9101-abcd-efgh-ijklmnopqrst",
  "message": "Successfully updated the application instance."
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